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  1. Há 3 dias · Implicated in the affair of the murder of Carlos Cardoso, Nyimpine Chissano is suffering from heart problems linked to his excessive alcohol consumption. He has therefore adopted a low profile and, along with his brother and partner Naite, has organised the transfer of his travel agency Expresso Tour.

  2. Há 4 dias · Nampula, (Moçambique), 29 Ago (AIM) – O Hospital Central de Nampula, (HCN), o maior e de referência da zona norte de Moçambique, com uma capacidade de 530 camas, diz-se preparado para acudir a quaisquer incidentes que eventualmente possam ocorrer durante a campanha eleitoral em curso no país.

  3. Há 6 dias · He then sold the company to former president Joaquim Chissano's son Nyimpine Chissano, who died in 2007 . In 2001, Muthemba founded transport company Transporte Rodoviário de Maputo (Transmap), alongside Portuguese group Empresa Metalurgica de Mocambique (EMM).

  4. Há 6 dias · Golden Travel still has Nyimpine Chissano, the late son of the former Mozambican President, on its list of shareholders while until the issues of inheritance are settled.

  5. Há 6 dias · Le fils de l'ancien président du Mozambique Joaquim Chissano (1986-2005), N'naite Joaquim Chissano, va s'investir en solo dans les secteurs gazier et pétrolier avec la société JC Stones qu'il vient de fonder et dont il est le seul actionnaire.

  6. Há 4 dias · Joaquim Chissano, who became leader of Frelimo in 1986 after the death of Machel, was the first elected president of the country. Frelimo continued to dominate Mozambican politics into the 21st century.

  7. Há 3 dias · When Joaquim Chissano took over from Machel in 1986, Chissano abandoned Machel’s radical military policy and negotiated peace with the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), ending the decade-long civil war.