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  1. Há 1 dia · Over the course of the operation, over 3.8 million personnel of the Axis powers—the largest invasion force in the history of warfare —invaded the western Soviet Union, along a 2,900-kilometer (1,800 mi) front, with 600,000 motor vehicles and over 600,000 horses for non-combat operations.

  2. Há 1 dia · Signature. Maria Theresa (Maria Theresia Walburga Amalia Christina; 13 May 1717 – 29 November 1780) was ruler of the Habsburg dominions from 1740 until her death in 1780, and the only woman to hold the position suo jure (in her own right). She was the sovereign of Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Transylvania, Mantua, Milan, Galicia and ...

  3. Há 5 dias · Commemorated on May 1 and on the Sunday of Myrrh-Bearing Women. In 1166 a daughter, Tamar, was born to King George III (1155–1184) and Queen Burdukhan of Georgia. The king proclaimed that he would share the throne with his daughter from the day she turned twelve years of age.

  4. Há 1 dia · Sociedade Mãe e Rainha, Santa Maria/RS. Conferência de 22 de maio de 1961. BAUER, G. M. Servus Mariae nunquam peribit! – Breve histórico da imagem da Mãe de Deus e da sua moldura luminosa no Santuário de Schoenstatt. Publicado pelo Instituto Secular dos Irmãos de Maria de Schoenstatt, Santa Maria/RS, 1978.

  5. Há 4 dias · По традиции, Богородица была похоронена в Гефсимании между Иерусалимом и Елеонской горой. Торжества сугубо Западно-сирийской Церкви — это два «Праздника поздравлений» с Рождеством Сына ...

  6. Há 1 dia · Fiquei fascinada pela história da viúva do Prestes que eu nunca tinha ouvido falar. A trajetória de uma revolucionária que tinha atravessado grandes momentos do século XX não caberia em poucas páginas, ou minutos. Além de carregar o legado político de sua família, Maria andava na rua a falar com o povo, como o povo, e sobre o povo.

  7. Há 4 dias · Soon after, news of the miraculous catch spread to the neighbouring villages, and day-by-day more of their countrymen came to honour the Blessed Virgin and pray the Rosary. They gave her the name “ Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida,” that is, Our Lady of the Appeared Conception.