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  1. › wiki › Napoleon_IIINapoleon III - Wikipedia

    Há 2 dias · Napoleon III (Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte; 20 April 1808 – 9 January 1873) was the first president of France from 1848 to 1852, and the last monarch of France as the second Emperor of the French from 1852 until he was deposed on 4 September 1870.

  2. Há 4 dias · Le jeune élève se montre particulièrement à l'aise au milieu de ses camarades et témoigne d'un intérêt pour la politique étonnant pour son âge, se montrant particulièrement critique à l'égard de Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte lors de l'élection présidentielle de 1848 [4].

  3. Há 4 dias · Louis Bonaparte was a French soldier and Napoleon I’s third surviving brother. As king of Holland (1806–10), he guarded the welfare of his subjects. His unwillingness to join the Continental System brought him into conflict with the emperor.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. Há 2 dias · Statue de la Liberté en cuivre patiné de vert-de-gris, sur un piédestal en placage de granite rose. Elle représente une femme drapée dans une toge, coiffée d'un diadème à sept branches, brandissant une torche de la main droite et tenant dans sa main gauche une tablette qui porte la date de la Déclaration d'indépendance des États-Unis.

  5. Há 2 dias · Bonaparte's French forces left Egypt on 5 February and, seven days after leaving Cairo, Bonaparte too arrived at Arish and bombarded one of the castle towers. The garrison surrendered two days later and some of the garrison joined the French army.

  6. Há 5 dias · France - July Monarchy, Revolution, Napoleon: The renovated regime (often called the July Monarchy or the bourgeois monarchy) rested on an altered political theory and a broadened social base. Divine right gave way to popular sovereignty; the social centre of gravity shifted from the landowning aristocracy to the wealthy bourgeoisie.

  7. Há 2 dias · The Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815) were a series of conflicts fought between the First French Empire under Napoleon Bonaparte (1804–1815) and a fluctuating array of European coalitions.