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  1. Há 2 dias · God hears the cry of his people, sends Moses to help them, and spares the Hebrew children through the sacrifice of a lamb, leading them to be saved from Pharaoh. The Israelites are brought out to the desert to become a Priestly people and reveal God to the world, but they question Gods intentions.

  2. Há 2 dias · Sundays readings contain an interesting illustration of the way that the Bible can use numbers. In the Old Testament reading, Elijah is on the run from the evil queen Jezebel and he goes out into the wilderness and asks God to let him die. Instead, God sends and angel who makes Elijah eat and drink two times in order to strengthen ...

  3. Há 2 dias · The third Sunday of Advent is known as “Gaudete Sunday.” In the readings, we hear about miracles associated with the Messianic age, its coming, and what we need to do to prepare. We also learn about the doubts of John the Baptist, how he dealt with them, and the blessing that makes us even more fortunate than John was.

  4. Há 1 dia · In the Old Testament, as we saw in the first reading, blood was seen as both a sacrifice and a covenant, a promise between God and his chosen people. Jesus says he is the new covenant, and instructs his disciples to do as he has done, in memory of him. The layers to what Jesus is saying are many: He is the new promise between God and people; he ...

  5. Há 1 dia · Homily for the 5th Sunday of Lent, using the readings from Year A for the scrutinies, preached on Sunday, April 3, at St. Mary Mother of God Roman Catholic Church in Sylva, NC. "I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die" (Jn 11:25-26).

  6. Há 1 dia · Watch HOLYGOD TV and be a part of the broadcast that sends the gospel into homes across Europe, Asia, Africa and North/South America. Let Jesus-Christ show y...

  7. Há 1 dia · I’m having the same symptoms I’ve had with my first 2 now that I’m 8 weeks. First 2 are boys. Guessing another boy? Was really hoping for a girl but I guess I’ll never have one. Daydreamed of that my whole life.