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  1. Há 1 dia · The AzuchiMomoyama period began in 1568, when Nobunaga seized Kyoto and thus effectively brought an end to the Ashikaga shogunate. He was well on his way towards his goal of reuniting all Japan when, in 1582, one of his own officers, Akechi Mitsuhide, killed him during an abrupt attack on his encampment.

  2. Há 3 dias · Francis Drake. Sir Francis Drake ( c. 1540 – 28 January 1596) was an English explorer and privateer best known for his circumnavigation of the world in a single expedition between 1577 and 1580. This was the first English circumnavigation, and second circumnavigation overall.

  3. Há 1 dia · On 2 May 1568, Mary escaped from Lochleven Castle with the aid of George Douglas, brother of Sir William Douglas, the castle's owner. Managing to raise an army of 6,000 men, she met Moray's smaller forces at the Battle of Langside on 13 May. Defeated, she fled south.

  4. Há 5 dias · Carlos de Austria (born July 8, 1545, Valladolid, Spain—died July 25, 1568, Madrid) was the prince of Asturias, son of King Philip II of Spain and Maria of Portugal, heir to the Spanish throne. His hatred for his father led him to conspire with the king’s enemies in the Low Countries, thus provoking his arrest.

  5. Há 2 dias · In 1567 Akbar invaded Chitor, the capital of Mewar; in February 1568 the fort fell into his hands. Chitor was constituted a district, and Āṣaf Khan was appointed its governor. But the western half of Mewar remained in the possession of Rana Udai Singh.

  6. › wiki › 織田信長織田信長 - Wikipedia

    Há 2 dias · 織田信秀 の 嫡男 。 家督 争いの混乱を収めた後に、 桶狭間の戦い で 今川義元 を討ち取り、勢力を拡大した。 足利義昭 を奉じて上洛し、後には義昭を追放することで、 畿内 を中心に独自の中央政権(「 織田政権 」 [注釈 4] )を確立して 天下人 となった。 しかし、 天正 10年 6月2日 ( 1582年 6月21日 )、家臣・ 明智光秀 に 謀反 を起こされ、 本能寺 で 自害 した。 これまで信長の政権は、 豊臣秀吉 による 豊臣政権 、 徳川家康 が開いた 江戸幕府 への流れをつくった画期的なもので、その政治手法も革新的なものであるとみなされてきた [2] 。

  7. Há 3 dias · In 1568, Alba had Lamoral, Count of Egmont and Philip de Montmorency, Count of Horn executed in Brussels' central square, further alienating the local aristocracy. There were massacres of civilians in Mechelen, Naarden, Zutphen and Haarlem.