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  1. Lead is a silent, invisible killerit cannot be seen, tasted, or smelt, but its effects, especially on children, are devastating. Lead exposure leads to cognitive deficits, developmental...

  2. Há 5 dias · What new evidence has led to this updated Respiratory Virus Guidance? We have more and better tools and protection to fight serious respiratory illness. Effective vaccines against all three major viruses are now widely available: COVID-19 vaccines cut the risk of severe disease in half.

  3. Há 5 dias · This could be a temporary blip caused by Covid-19 control measures which also reduced other kinds of infections. The team added 11million deaths could be prevented between now and 2050 if new...

  4. Há 5 dias · In the case of the COVID-19 crisis, they documented the population’s responses to the government’s directive adult education, as well as attitudes towards political crisis management and strategies for dealing with its impact on everyday life.

  5. Há 5 dias · Killer T cells, an immune-cell type, eliminate virus-infected and cancer cells by recognizing and attacking them based on the antigens they present.

  6. Há 5 dias · Consulte as normas e orientações publicadas.

  7. Há 4 dias · An international team of scientists published a peer-reviewed paper Thursday saying genetic evidence indicates the coronavirus pandemic most likely originated with a natural spillover from an...