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  1. Há 4 dias · Louis Althusser foi um filósofo franco-argelino marxista estruturalista do século XX de renome e revolucionário por seu anti-humanismo e pela teoria dos aparelhos de Estado.

  2. Há 1 dia · For Burke (2010:362), challengers have “synthesized key insights from the literature that developed and critiqued the semiology of Charles Peirce and Ferdinand de Saussure, the language-games of Ludwig Wittgenstein, and the structuralism of Claude Lévi-Strauss, Jacques Lacan, Louis Althusser, and the early Michel Foucault.”

  3. Há 1 dia · Among the central references of the discourse perspective pursued by Fairclough are the Marxist contributions to ideology theory formulated by Louis Althusser and Antonio Gramsci. Althusser conceives of ideologies as systems of meaning that place individuals in represented, imagined, ideational relations to the actual relationships in which they live (Macdonell, 1986 , p. 27; Althusser, 1971 ).

  4. Há 4 dias · Abstract: The notion of subjection has been the target of many questions within discourse theories. In this work, I reflect on the notion of subjection in Pêcheux, showing the influence of the notions of interpellation and ideology coming from the work of Althusser (1970).

  5. Há 3 dias · The reemergence of aesthetics in China’s early reform period witnessed a wide-ranging embrace of the early Marxist vocabulary of species-being, alienation, and ...

  6. Há 2 dias · Althusser, Louis (1971) Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, London, NLB. Althusser, Louis (1969) For Marx, London, Allen Lane. Backhaus, H-G (1975) ‘Materialien zur Rekonstruktion der Marxschen Werttheorie, 2’, in Gesellschaft. Beitrage zur Marxschen Theorie 3, Frankfurt, Suhrkamp.

  7. Há 3 dias · 8 La réception française du queer passe alors par la mise en avant de l’influence du (post-) structuralisme français (Jacques Derrida, Julia Kristeva, Louis Althusser) sur le travail des théoricien·nes basé⋅es aux États-Unis, tel·les que Teresa de Lauretis, Judith Butler, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, David Halperin et Michael Warner, mais aussi par la mobilisation de « références ...