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  1. Há 2 dias · Holland-house, a well-known ancient mansion in this parish, is the manor-house of Abbot's Kensington, and takes its name from Henry Rich, Earl of Holland. It was built by his father-in-law, Sir Walter Cope, in the year 1607, and affords a very good specimen of the architecture of that period.

  2. Há 5 dias · His occupation of the house presumably dates from before 1596, for in that year he was created Earl of Nottingham. n20. Henry Rich, created Earl of Holland in 1624, had apartments at Whitehall as early as 1627 ("new matting of 4 roomes in the E. of Holland his Lodgeinge in Whitehall"— P.R.O., L.C. 5/132, p. 2, March, 1627–8), but ...

  3. Há 4 dias · On the death in 1721 of Edward Henry Rich, the seventh Earl of Warwick and fourth Earl of Holland, his estates were inherited by his aunt, Elizabeth, the sister of the sixth Earl, who had married Francis Edwardes of Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire.

  4. Há 1 dia · Capability Brown starts his enormous works on the Estate, enlarging the lake and remodelling the parkland, and Brown with his son-in-law, Henry Holland were engaged by Granville Leveson-Gower, son of the 1st Earl, to again remodel the house1775-80. Granville was elevated to Marquess of Stafford in 1786. 1800 - 1833

  5. Há 4 dias · Henry, who was conveniently with the hunting party, rode posthaste to Winchester, seized the treasury, and was chosen king the next day. Henry I (1100–35) A good politician and administrator, Henry I was the ablest of the Conqueror’s sons. At his coronation on Aug. 5, 1100, he issued a charter intended to win the support of the nation.

  6. Há 2 dias · But after Henry III of France and Elizabeth I of England both refused sovereignty over the country, the States General in 1586 named as governor-general Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, whom Elizabeth had sent to command Dutch and English auxiliary forces against the Spaniards after the fall of Antwerp.

  7. Há 5 dias · Netherlands - Dutch Republic, Revolution, Enlightenment: Fate thus intervened to give Hollands leaders, now intensely distrustful of Orangist influence, a chance to take over the country from the leaderless party of their antagonists.