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  1. Lei Mammalia, ò mamifèrs en occitan (var. mamifèra, mamifere, mamifère), son un ensemble d'espècias animalas caracterizadas per la preséncia de glandas mamàrias.

  2. Mammalia is a class of animal in the phylum Chordata. What it means to be a mammal has changed many times since Carl Linnaeus first defined the class. No system is accepted by everyone. McKenna & Bell (1997) and Wilson & Reader (2005) give useful recent compendiums. [1] Many earlier ideas from Linnaeus and others are no longer used by modern ...

  3. Dies ist die Kategorie für Säugetiere (Mammalia) im Kategoriebaum, der sich an den wissenschaftlichen Namen orientiert. Diese Kategorie entspricht der Kategorie:Säugetiere im sich an den deutschen Namen orientierenden Kategoriebaum.

  4. A mammal (from Latin mamma 'breast') is a vertebrate animal of the class Mammalia (/ m ə ˈ m eɪ l i. ə /). Mammals are characterized by the presence of milk -producing mammary glands for feeding their young, a broad neocortex region of the brain, fur or hair , and three middle ear bones .

  5. Les Mammifères (Mammalia) sont une classe d'animaux vertébrés caractérisés par la présence de fourrure (excepté pour certains mammifères marins), d'une oreille moyenne comportant trois os, d'un néocortex et de glandes mammaires, dont les représentants femelles nourrissent leurs juvéniles à partir d'une sécrétion cutanéo-glandulaire spécialisée appelée lait (on dit alors qu ...

  6. There are currently 1,258 genera, 161 families, 27 orders, and around 5,937 recognized living species of mammal. [1] Mammalian taxonomy is in constant flux as many new species are described and recategorized within their respective genera and families.

  7. Figure 1:In mammals, the quadrate and articular bones are small and part of the middle ear; the lower jaw consists only of dentary bone.. While living mammal species can be identified by the presence of milk-producing mammary glands in the females, other features are required when classifying fossils, because mammary glands and other soft-tissue features are not visible in fossils.