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  1. Funk rock (also typed as funk-rock) is a music genre that fuses funk and rock elements. Its earliest incarnation was heard in the late 1960s through the mid-1970s by acts such as the Jimi Hendrix Experience (last two albums), Eric Burdon and War, Trapeze, Parliament-Funkadelic, Betty Davis and Mother's Finest. In the 1990s acts such as Prince ...

  2. W późnych latach 80. XX wieku przedstawicielami funk rocka byli Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jane’s Addiction, Fishbone, Primus, Living Colour, Spin Doctors, także Prince stworzył kilka funk rockowych utworów. We wczesnych latach 90. XX wieku, dużo zespołów łączyło dźwięk heavymetalowych gitar z funkiem, w rezultacie powstał „ Funk ...

  3. Seit Mitte der 1970er begannen Rockbands wie Mother’s Finest, dieses Konzept zu erweitern, und entwickelten den Funk Rock.Anfang der 1980er Jahre rezipierten mehrere Rockbands den Funk und machten ihn bei einem weißen Publikum populär, so etwa die The Clash (Overpowered by Funk auf Combat Rock), Talking Heads (Remain in Light, Speaking in Tongues), Gang of Four und Level 42.

  4. A funk-rock egy könnyűzenei műfaj, amely a rock és funk zene elemeit ötvözi. [1] Az 1970-es évek elejétől alakították ki olyan előadók, mint például Jimi Hendrix, Eric Burdon, a Funkadelic, Betty Davis, és a Mother's Finest . Sokfajta hangszeren játsszák, de a teljes hangzást főleg a basszus, a dob és az elektromos gitár ...

  5. Aunque el funk desapareció casi por completo, siendo reemplazado en la radio comercial por hip hop, R&B contemporáneo y New Jack Swing, su influencia siguió extendiéndose. Los grupos de rock comenzaron a añadir elementos del funk a su sonido, creando una nueva combinación que se materializó en los subgéneros "funk rock" y "funk metal".

  6. This list includes bands which have directly played within the funk rock genre, as well as bands which have played within its subgenre, funk metal.It also includes bands described as metal funk, thrash funk or funkcore (synonymous with funk metal), as well as bands described as punk-funk (synonymous with both genres).

  7. O funk brasileiro, também chamado de funk carioca ( pronúncia em português: [fɐ̃ (ŋ)ki] [ 2]) ou simplesmente funk — também chamado de "baile funk" ou "favela funk" no mundo anglófono — é um gênero musical oriundo das favelas do estado do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil. Apesar do nome, é diferente do funk originário dos Estados Unidos.