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  1. Inauguré en 1827, Washington Square Park est un vestige de l’élégance du 19e siècle. Situé dans le quartier de Greenwich Village, au sud de la 5e avenue, il s’étire de la 4e rue ouest à la 8e rue, côtoyant fièrement la New York University. Son histoire renferme des secrets sombres : le square aurait été construit sur les vestiges ...

  2. 5 Ave, Waverly Pl., W. 4 St. and Macdougal St., New York City, NY 10011. Commonly known as “the Village” to New Yorkers, it was here in Greenwich Village that both 1960’s counter culture and the LGBT movement were born. Famous for its bohemian past, head to Washington Square Park to get a feel for this diverse and energetic neighborhood.

  3. Nela, você encontra o Washington Square Park, um parque público repleto de atrações culturais e sociais, além de muito verde e tranquilidade. O nome do parque vem da homenagem ao primeiro presidente americano, George Washington, lá tem uma estátua em sua homenagem. Cheio de homenagens e monumentos, destaque para a imensa fonte e o Arco ...

  4. 15 de jun. de 2023 · Washington Square Park was redefined socially and culturally throughout the 20th century. Following the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911, labor unions marched here. "Ashcan School" artists such as John Sloan painted in the park, and the bohemian community of the late 19th and early-20th centuries congregated here.

  5. 5 Ave, Waverly Pl., W. 4 St. and Macdougal St., New York City, NY 10011. Commonly known as “the Village” to New Yorkers, it was here in Greenwich Village that both 1960’s counter culture and the LGBT movement were born. Famous for its bohemian past, head to Washington Square Park to get a feel for this diverse and energetic neighbourhood.

  6. Washington Square Park est un parc de la ville de New York, situé dans le sud de l'arrondissement de Manhattan dans le quartier de Greenwich Village. Il est bordé au sud et à l'est par les bâtiments de l' Université de New York , ce qui lui vaut d'être fréquenté par une population un peu marginale, intellectuelle et non conformiste.

  7. Gabriel Lorenzi. Conheça o parque Washington Square Park, em Nova York. Localizado no bairro Greenwich Village, esse é um dos parques mais frequentados da cidade. Esse local histórico, que marca o começo da Quinta Avenida, é conhecido pelo famoso arco de concreto e por ser um ponto de observação dos transeuntes.

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