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  1. Robert Southey, poeta inglés. Robert Southey ( Bristol, Gloucestershire; 12 de agosto de 1774- Keswick, Cumberland; 21 de marzo de 1843) fue un poeta inglés de la primera generación romántica, uno de los llamados lakistas, además de biógrafo, historiador, traductor políglota, hispanófilo y poeta laureado.

  2. História do Brasil (Robert Southey) - tomos I, II e III (vol. 133) História do Brasil (Robert Southey) O autor é um dos grandes poetas ingleses do Romantismo, junto com os cunhados Coleridge e Lovell. Ao mesmo tempo, é um dos grandes historiadores de sua época. A primeira edição desta História do Brasil apareceu, em inglês, entre os ...

  3. Robert Southey. Southey was born 12 August 1774 in Bristol and raised through his early years mostly in Bath. He attended Westminster School in London, but after criticizing the school for excessive corporal punishment was expelled. That youthful crisis notwithstanding, he matriculated at Oxford in 1792, living in Balliol College.

  4. Robert Southey. Robert Southey ( Bristol, 12 augustus 1774 – Keswick, 21 maart 1843) was een Engels dichter en prozaschrijver uit de periode van de Romantiek.

  5. Robert Southey was an independently minded young man who was expelled from Westminster School for opposing flogging. He developed radical religious and political ideas and, at one stage, considered emigrating to America with his friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge to set up a utopian commune. The idea was abandoned, and Southey began writing plays ...

  6. 罗伯特·骚塞(Robert Southey,1774-1843年),英国作家,湖畔派诗人之一。“消极浪漫主义”诗人,他曾一度激进,后反对法国革命,于1813年被国王封为桂冠诗人。作为早期的浪漫主义者,在他的带领下,民谣体诗得以复兴。他尝试使用无韵的不规则诗句,是十九世纪和二十世纪自由诗体运动的先行者。

  7. ロバート・サウジー ( Robert Southey, 1774年 8月12日 – 1843年 3月21日 )は、 イギリス の、 ロマン派 詩人 。. いわゆる「 湖水詩人 (湖畔詩人)」の1人。. 桂冠詩人 でもあった。. 同時代人で友人でもある ウィリアム・ワーズワース 、 サミュエル・テイラー ...

  1. Buscas relacionadas a Robert Southey

    história do brasil Robert Southey