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  1. 21 de ago. de 2005 · Em 1887, em Londres, Yeats inscreveu-se numa "Sociedade Teosófica" e dedicou-se a estudar os escritos de William Blake e de Madame Blavastsky , além de alquímicos, rosacruzes, cabalistas, a Sociedade Hermética de Dublin, a Ordem da Aurora Dourada.

  2. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) Poet, Dramatist, Man of the Theatre W.B. Yeats, generally acknowledged to be the greatest poet of the modern era, lived an extraordinarily rich and productive life as the founder and guiding spirit of the Irish Literary Revival and the Abbey Theatre, the National Theatre of Ireland.

  3. William Butler Yeats war der Sohn von John Butler Yeats (1839–1922), einem Anwalt, der sich der Porträtmalerei zugewandt hatte. Seine Mutter Susan Pollexfen (1841–1900) entstammte einer reichen Handelsfamilie.

  4. 9 de jun. de 2024 · William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet, dramatist, and prose writer, one of the greatest English-language poets of the 20th century. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. Yeats’s father, John Butler Yeats, was a barrister who eventually became a portrait painter. His mother, formerly

  5. William Butler Yeats (13. kesäkuuta 1865 Sandymount, Irlanti – 28. tammikuuta 1939 Menton, Ranska) oli irlantilainen runoilija. Yeats oli merkittävä voima perinteisen irlantilaisen kulttuurin elvyttämisessä ja yksi Irlannin kansallisteatterin perustajista.

  6. William Butler Yeats naît dans une famille protestante d'ascendance anglo-irlandaise.Il est le fils aîné de John Butler Yeats (1839–1922), alors avocat, et de Susan Mary, née Pollexfen (1841–1900), originaire du comté de Sligo [4].

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