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  1. 華仁書院(九龍) Wah Yan College Kowloon 辦學宗旨:學校是在學習團體的氛圍中,提供學生和教職員工一個全人發展、思維開放和不斷成長的天主教教育:培育他們逐漸成為卓越能幹、犧牲奉獻、充滿熱忱、富於靈性和具備倫理分辨能力的人,同時擁有一顆胸懷普世的心。

  2. The Wah Yan story is one of adaptation and growth. Wah Yan College was founded on 16th December 1919 by Mr. Tsui Yan Sau, Peter. There were four students on the first day of school. It was not long before we became the first Grant-In-Aid school founded and managed by a Chinese in 1922. Our extraordinary performance in the early days drew the ...

  3. The Wah Yan story is one of adaptation and growth. Wah Yan College was founded on 16th December 1919 by Mr. Tsui Yan Sau, Peter. There were four students on the first day of school. It was not long before we became the first Grant-In-Aid school founded and managed by a Chinese in 1922. Our extraordinary performance in the early days drew the ...

  4. 九龍華仁書院 (英語: Wah Yan College, Kowloon ),簡稱 九華 ,是一所位於 香港 九龍 京士柏 的著名男校,由 天主教 耶穌會 營辦。. 校舍最初設於 旺角 砵蘭街 ,1928年搬到 奶路臣街 ,1952年搬到 窩打老道 現址。. 九龍華仁書院一直致力培育學生於德、智、體、群 ...

  5. 九龍華仁書院 (英語: Wah Yan College, Kowloon ),簡稱 九華 ,是一所位於 香港 九龍 京士柏 的著名男校,由 天主教 耶穌會 營辦。. 校舍最初設於 旺角 砵蘭街 ,1928年搬到 奶路臣街 ,1952年搬到 窩打老道 現址。. 九龍華仁書院一直致力培育學生於德、智、體、群 ...

  6. 華仁書院(九龍)(Wah Yan College, Kowloon)是位於油尖旺區的一間資助中學,學校面積約 41500平方米,屬於男校,該校辦學宗旨是我們是在學習團體的氛圍中,提供學生和教職員工一個全人發展、思維開放和不斷成長的天主教教育;培育他們逐漸成為卓越能幹、犧牲奉獻、充滿熱忱、富於靈性和具備 ...

  7. For a century, Wah Yan College, Kowloon (WYK) has been blessed with trust from the city in our education and has thrived in the grace of God. Generations of warm-hearted gentlemen have passed through our Main Gate embodying the finest intellect and sincere passion for serving the greater good, both locally and internationally.