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  1. April March, prawdziwe imię Elinor Blake (ur. 20 kwietnia 1965 r.), amerykańska piosenkarka i autorka tekstów, śpiewa w języku francuskim i angielskim. Od dziecka fascynowała się Francją , do czego przyczyniły się zapewne liczne wymiany zagraniczne do Francji, w których uczestniczyła podczas nauki w szkole .

  2. Elinor Blake, April March's real name, started singing in punk band The Shitbirds. This band didn't last long, so she started several collaborations with The Makers and Bassholes among other bands. Recording for Sympathy for the Record Industry , she appears no less than four times in the compilation Alright, This Time Just the Girls (solo and in bands).

  3. 5 de abr. de 2024 · Luke 1:28-31. Was Mary surprised at what the angel told her? Luke 1:34; Matt. 1:18. Note. — The Holy Scriptures tell us that Mary was a chaste virgin that she knew not a man. She was engaged to be married to Joseph, but before he knew her as his wife, she was with child by the Holy Ghost. Matt. 1:18-20; Luke 1:35.

  4. April March released Lessons of April March on January 1, 1998.

  5. 26 de dez. de 2006 · Sugar 3.Garcon Glacon 4.Theme From Lime Cafe 5.Chick Habit 6.Carbou 7. Olive Green Dictionary 8. Winter Cave 9.Cet Air La 10. Le Temps de L'amour 11.Stay Away From Robert Mitchum 12.Jesus and I Love You.

  6. › wiki › April_MarchApril March - Wikipedia

    April March, pseudonimo di Elinor Blake (20 aprile 1965), è una cantante statunitense di indie pop che scrive i suoi brani sia in inglese che in francese e che è particolarmente famosa in Francia. April è anche famosa come animatrice: si ricorda soprattutto il suo ruolo di animatrice principale per Ren e Stimpy .