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  1. Há 15 horas · The party states that it "recognizes the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want, the level of health care they want, the care providers they want, the medicines and treatments they will use and all other aspects of their medical care, including end-of-life decisions."

  2. Há 15 horas · Like members of the House of Representatives, Senators use the prefix "The Honorable" before their names. [ 45 ] [ 46 ] Senators are usually identified in the media and other sources by party and state; for example, Democratic majority leader Chuck Schumer , who represents New York, may be identified as "D–New York" or (D-NY).

  3. Há 1 dia · Language; Official: No official language at national level. English is designated official in 32 of 50 states (and in all 5 U.S. territories). Hawaiian is official in Hawaii, 20 Native languages are official in Alaska, and Sioux is official in South Dakota. [8]

  4. › wiki › HawaiiHawaiiWikipedia

    Há 5 dias · Der Einfluss der Vereinigten Staaten wurde dann etwa seit 1850 immer größer, vor allem durch den Vertrag über zollfreien Zuckerexport in die USA von 1875 und seine Ergänzung 1887 mit der Übernahme des Marinestützpunkts Pearl Harbor.

  5. Há 1 dia · The first recorded use of the term Midwestern to refer to a region of the central U.S. occurred in 1886; Midwest appeared in 1894, and Midwesterner in 1916. [128] [129] One of the earliest late-19th-century uses of Midwest was in reference to Kansas and Nebraska to indicate that they were the civilized areas of the west. [8]

  6. Há 15 horas · A recorded vote may be taken in one of three different ways. One is electronically. Members use a personal identification card to record their votes at 46 voting stations in the chamber. Votes are usually held in this way. A second mode of recorded vote is by teller.

  7. Há 15 horas · So ordnete Biden unter anderem den Wiederbeitritt der Vereinigten Staaten zum Klimaschutz-Übereinkommen von Paris an, das Trump im Juni 2017 einseitig aufgekündigt hatte, und den Wiedereintritt der USA in die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), aus der Trump die USA zuvor hatte austreten lassen.