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  1. 桑塔格在开头写道:“1938年6月,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫出版了《三几尼》(Three Guineas),对战争的根源做了勇敢的、令人不快的反思。 ”她继而探讨伍尔夫是如何拒绝这本书的开篇问题——“你认为我们该如何阻止战争”——中的“我们”的。

  2. Le tre ghinee (Three Guineas) è un saggio scritto da Virginia Woolf e pubblicato nel giugno 1938, alla vigilia della seconda guerra mondiale.. Il libro è un pamphlet contro la guerra e il suo nucleo centrale è rappresentato dalla denuncia dello stretto legame esistente fra sistema patriarcale, militarismo e regimi totalitari, tra il potere esercitato nella sfera pubblica e nella sfera privata.

  3. Conforme progresó en el esfuerzo más difícil le resulto, terminando separando la parte de novela en Los años y la parte de ensayo en Tres Guineas (Three Guineas), si bien se publicó en 1977, a título póstumo, el manuscrito (inacabado) original de la novela-ensayo: The Pargiters, que no ha sido publicada en español.

  4. A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas. In these two classic essays of feminist literature, Woolf argues passionately for women's intellectual freedom and their role in challenging the drive towards fascism and conflict. In A Room of One's Own she explores centuries of limitations placed on women, as well as celebrating the creative achievements ...

  5. 7 de jan. de 2022 · Virginia Woolf's 1938 essay Three Guineas contends that the material basis is indispensable for women not only to survive but also to voice their political opinions. Woolf proposes three strategies for women to take.

  6. Abstract. This is a review essay exploring Woolf’s pacifist text, its place in her work, and the complex components of her denunciation of fascism. It look

  7. Three Guineas (Chap. 1) Lyrics. Three years is a long time to leave a letter unanswered, and your letter has been lying without an answer even longer than that. I had hoped that it would answer ...