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  1. The Judges are a worldwide law force that replaced the Police forces and most governments in the countries or cities they control. Typically led by a Chief Judge and a hand picked council, the Judges take total control over the citizens acting as judge, jury and executioner. The Judges took their roots in America as an idea of Eustace T. Fargo, shortly before the Atomic War between 2027 and ...

  2. Judge Smiley is both the first and third head of Black Ops Division, a mild-mannered figure with a harmless appearance and a ruthlessly manipulative mind. During his time, he was partly responsible for one of the worst massacres in Mega-City One's history. He was appointed the head of Black Ops by Chief Judge Griffin in 2101, his main responsibility being to prevent an internal threat like Cal ...

  3. America is a Judge Dredd story that was published in Judge Dredd Megazine 1.01 to 1.07, in 1990. Its subject was the effect of growing up in Mega-City One on two initially ordinary citizens, America Jara and Bennett Beeny. The harsh, repressive law-enforcement system embodied by Judge Dredd leads both of them down a dark road culminating in despair and death. John Wagner wrote America to try ...

  4. The large supporting cast of characters in the Judge Dredd strip - serialised in the UK weekly comic 2000ad, monthly in The Judge Dredd Megazine, and in a stand alone title published monthly by IDW in the USA - include judges other than Dredd - such as judges like Giant, Hershey, Anderson, Roffman, and Beeny - or recurring criminal characters such asOtto Sump, Chopper, Mean Angel, Orlock ...

  5. Murphyville is the main urban settlement on Emerald Isle (formerly Ireland), spanning the south-east coast. It is independent to Brit-Cit but highly 'influenced' by it. Relations between the two states had calmed from historical norms until the late 2130s, and the north of the island is once again under Emerald Isle rule. The main export was entertainment for decades. There were 20 million ...

  6. Oz (2000 AD) Oz is the postwar Australia, dominated by the Sydney-Melbourne Conurb megacity. Several other cities and towns exist outside of the conurb. It is part of the Hiroshima Accord . The centre of the country is the Radback: a vast nuclear desert. Ozzers are known for being laid back and irreverent, and their society is one of the most ...

  7. Deadworld is the realm of the Dark Judges. It started out as being recognisable as a future Earth, but - while having advanced technology - still more similar to late 20th/early 21st century than contemporary Mega-City One. There are various differences to the main reality, including the Judges and the names of American states (the existence of Tuscarora), but the crucial difference is that ...