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  1. Vi era anche uno strano Elfo vestito di verde e nero, di nome Legolas, inviato dal padre Thranduil, Re degli Elfi a nord del Bosco Atro.Il Signore degli Anelli, libro II, cap. II, "Il Consiglio di Elrond". Legolas, conosciuto anche come Verdefoglia o Thranduilion, è un elfo della stirpe dei Sindar che fu membro della Compagnia dell'Anello durante la Guerra dell'Anello, alla fine della Terza ...

  2. 20 de set. de 2020 · While Legolas' age is never given in Tolkien's writings, some Tolkien scholars have estimated he is at the most 800 – 900 years old by the time of the War of the Ring, and at least 500, though probably more; however, many others disagree on the maximum figure. Without any direct mention to the contrary, he could also have been born as early ...

  3. › wiki › LegolasLegolas - Wikipedia

    Il nome Legolas Verdefoglia appare per la prima volta nel racconto La caduta di Gondolin contenuto nei Racconti perduti, che risale circa al 1917.Il personaggio è menzionato solamente qualche volta, senza essere in alcun modo correlato coi personaggi di cui si parla; dalla stesura dei Racconti alla pubblicazione de Il Signore degli Anelli, la mitologia tolkieniana è molto cambiata, perciò ...

  4. 5 de jan. de 2002 · Legolas is the oldest of the Fellowship (save Gandalf). He refers to the others as children. He says that he has seen trees grow from seed to death. This indicates a great age. However he is not mentioned when Oropher and Thranduil come to Greenwood or go to the Last Alliance. So he is likely a Third Age Elf.

  5. 10 de jan. de 2023 · When Prince Imrahil marvels to see one of the "fair folk" in Gondor, Legolas merely names himself as one of the Nine Companions, identifying himself by his friends rather than by his blood. He never calls himself a king's son or Thranduil's heir, and in fact, his words do a good job of concealing his lineage. At the Fields of Cormallen, Legolas ...

  6. Legolas (Sindarin für Grünblatt), Sohn von Thranduil, ist einer der Sindar und der Elbenprinz aus dem Düsterwald. Zur Zeit des Ringkrieges war er Mitglied in der Gemeinschaft des Ringes. Bereits als Thorin & Co. ihr Abenteuer erlebten, kämpfte er an der Seite der Waldelben im Düsterwald und war an der Gefangennahme der Zwerge beteiligt. Besonders mit dem Zwerg Gimli verband ihn eine ...

  7. Legolas Greenleaf was the son of the Elvenking, he served as a captain of the guard that patrolled the Woodland Realm and dispatched any enemy that dared enter the Elvenking's domain. He was an adept and deadly warrior, skilled as both an archer and in close quarter combat when wielding two white knives. In the War of the Ring, he was sent by his father as a messenger at the Council of Elrond ...