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  1. Family: Malvaceae — mallow or hibiscus family The mallow family in New England are primarily herbaceous perennials, though some woody species do occur. The leaves are simple (though often lobed), grow alternately along the stem, and have veins radiating outward from the base of the leaf.

  2. Introduction. The largest family in the order Malvales is Malvaceae it comprises approximately 243 genera and 4,225 species (Bayer et al. 1999 Bayer C, Fay MF, Bruijn AY, Savolainen V, Morton CM, Kubitzki K, Alverson WS & Chase MW (1999) Support for an expanded family concept of Malvaceae within a recircumscribed order Malvales: a combined analysis of plastid atp B and rbc L DNA sequences.

  3. Malvaceae, also known as the mallow family, is a group of diverse flowering plants. 244 genera with almost 4225 species are known in this family. The most commonly known members of the family include hibiscus, okra, cotton and cacao.

  4. 10 de out. de 2015 · matheusaline. Breve apresentação da família botânica Malvaceae idealizada pela aluna Aline Mariele Czekalski e Perivaldo Mateus Conrado acadêmicos do curso de Agronomia da Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste, Unicentro . Leia mais. 1 de 22. Baixar agora.

  5. Palavras-chaves: Malvaceae, Taxonomia, Parque Estadual do Rio Doce ABSTRACT This work consists of a taxonomy treatment of Malvaceae from Rio Doce State Park. In this way, trips were monthly accomplished from October of 1997 to January of 1999, in order to collect botanical material. The morfologic characteres of the staming tube, they were ...

  6. 3 de jun. de 2016 · Malvaceae. • Ervas, arbustos, lianas ou árvores; • Folhas alternas, simples ou compostas, com estípulas; • Flores geralmente vistosas, bissexuadas ou raramente unissexuadas, actinomorfas; geralmente diclamídeas; • Brácteas frequentemente formando um verticilo logo abaixo do K (calículo); • K (3-)5-mero, geralmente gamossépalo;

  7. Source: Wikipedia. Malvaceae, or the mallows, is a family of flowering plants estimated to contain 244 genera with 4225 known species. Well-known members of this family include okra, cotton, cacao and durian. The largest genera in terms of number of species include Hibiscus (300 species), Sterculia (250 species), Dombeya (250 species), Pavonia ...

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