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  1. No verão de 1972, aos dezessete anos, Steve sai de casa, contra a vontade dos pais, para morar numa cabana com sua primeira namorada, Chrisann Brennan. Nesse mesmo período começa a beber, fumar, frequentar espaços budistas de meditação e a tomar LSD, uma droga. No final do mesmo ano ingressa na universidade Reed College em Portland, Oregon que frequentaria formalmente apenas por seis ...

  2. 7 de out. de 2011 · We all know the timeless tale of how a young, destitute Jobs attended and dropped out of Reed College. But what he did after can sometimes overshadow how vital what he learned there has been.

  3. Prodigal Son. Steve’s fascination with eastern philosophy and metaphysics blossomed at Reed. He spent long hours in the library immersed in books on Buddhism. During the first or second week of class, he struck up a conversation at the bookstore with Daniel Kottke ’76 —they had both just bought a copy of Be Here Now by Ram Dass for $3.33 ...

  4. Concluído o ensino médio Steve Jobs matriculou-se na Reed College; depois de seis meses abandonou o curso, mas continuou frequentando a faculdade como ouvinte por algum tempo. Em 1974 Steve Jobs trabalhou na Atari, empresa de videogames da época.

  5. 15 de ago. de 2013 · Steve Jobs and Reed. As everyone knows, Steve Jobs did not graduate from Reed College. (He may, in fact, be one of the most famous “non-graduates” in modern history). Nonetheless, his experience at Reed left a profound impression on him, as he reiterated on many occasions. This week, the biopic Jobs, starring Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs ...

  6. 17 de jun. de 2017 · È questo il principio che Steve Jobs ha cercato di mettere in pratica in tutto ciò che ha fatto. L’uomo che ha contribuito tanto a trasmettere a Jobs una sensibilità artistica ed estetica inconfondibile è stato proprio il suo insegnante di calligrafia al Reed College, il frate trappista Robert Palladino, inconfondibilmente di origini ...

  7. Steve Jobs [1955–2011] In the winter of 1996–97, a band of Reedies including Justin Campbell ’99 and Colin McCluney ’99 took the Doyle Owl on a road trip to California. On a whim, they stopped by Steve’s house in Palo Alto and rang the bell. They were floored when Steve emerged, admired the Owl, talked about Reed, and posed for this ...