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  1. Providing a world-class development pathway, spreading Paris Saint-Germain’s methodology. Paris Saint-Germain Academy North America represents the official academies of Paris Saint-Germain in the US, Canada and the Caribbean Islands and is one of the leaders in the development and growth of soccer across the United States and beyond.

  2. The Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro is fully integrated in the path to professional soccer in the United States, giving players a set pathway from the youth level to professional soccer. Additionally, Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA’s global network provides unique and exclusive competitive events and exposure opportunities for players to be ...

  3. ONLINE TRYOUTS. An online process gives players the opportunity to secure a spot on the roster, and they can visit the Paris Saint-Germain Academy Campus and North Broward Preparatory School at another time at their convenience. With unmatched flexibility, this option is perfect for players and families unable to travel to Florida.

  4. 欄PSG x NBPS ⁠ ⁠ At the Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency build your future without compromise! ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA works...

  5. 袟邪懈薪褌械褉械褋芯胁邪薪褘 胁 Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA Pro x North Broward Preparatory School ? 袩芯谢褍褔懈褌械 褋邪屑褍褞 褋胁械卸褍褞 懈薪褎芯褉屑邪褑懈褞 芯 褋褌芯懈屑芯褋褌懈 芯斜褍褔械薪懈褟, 芯斜蟹芯褉邪褏, 褍褔械斜薪芯泄 锌褉芯谐褉邪屑屑械 懈 胁薪械泻谢邪褋褋薪褘褏 蟹邪薪褟褌 ...

  6. 賴賱 兀賳鬲 賲賴鬲賲 亘賭 Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA Pro x North Broward Preparatory School 責 丕丨氐賱 毓賱賶 兀丨丿孬 丕賱賲毓賱賵賲丕鬲 丨賵賱 丕賱乇爻賵賲 丕賱丿乇丕爻賷丞 賵丕賱賲乇丕噩毓丕鬲 賵丕賱賲賳丕賴噩 丕賱丿乇丕爻賷丞 賵丕賱賲賳丕賴噩 丕賱廿囟丕賮賷丞 賱毓丕賲 2024

  7. Elegibles para jugadores nacidos entre 2006 y 2012. La Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency está diseñada para impulsar a los jugadores internacionales de élite de talentosos a imparables. Sumérgete en el fútbol 24/7 y sigue un régimen que reproduce el entorno profesional del Paris Saint-Germain en París.