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  1. Carl Van Vechten (1880-1964), photographer, promotor of literary talent, and critic of dance, theater, and opera, had an artistic vision rooted in the centrality of the talented person. He cherished accomplishment, whether in music, dance, theater, fine art, literature, sport, or advocacy.

  2. Graphic Artist. Carl Van Vechten was an enormously creative artist, becoming a noted author, and later, at age 52, a superb portrait photographer. It is unusual for an artist to follow two distinctively different career paths and achieve fame in each area. Van Vechten is still best known for his book, published in 1926, which portrayed African ...

  3. 4 de nov. de 2015 · Novelist, essayist, and photographer Carl Van Vechten (1880-1964) promoted the work of African-American artists and writers. He was most notably associated with the Harlem Renaissance, the artistic, literary, and musical movement of the 1920s. The City Museum is proud to exhibit a selection of Van Vechten’s photographs from its collection in ...

  4. 4 de fev. de 2022 · Van Vechten, a white American music critic, photographer, and author, was considered an “honorary Negro” by his peers due to his support of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s and ’30s. Inspired by this period, he wrote Nigger Heaven, a novel that was controversial in its own time, which illustrates the Black experience in 1920s Harlem ...

  5. Carl Van Vechten (1880-1964), Critic, novelist and photographer. Artist of 22 portraits An American essayist and novelist of Peter Whiffle: His Life and Works (1922) and the controversial Nigger Heaven (1926), Van Vechten only took up photography in 1932, aged 51, aiming to portray all the leading creative talent of his era.

  6. Carl Van Vechten, Shirtless man, 1947. Nel 1932 Van Vechten acquistò una macchina fotografica Leica 35 mm. Da quel momento la fotografia soppiantò la scrittura come suo interesse principale. Iniziò con i ritratti, in primo piano o a mezza figura, di amici e conoscenti. Considerato che Van Vechten e la moglie attrice erano molto noti sia nell ...

  7. Carl Van Vechten Gallery. The Carl Van Vechten Gallery was founded in 1949, a testament to the foresight and vision of Fisk University. It owes its name to Carl Van Vechten, an American writer and photographer known for his support of African American artists during the Harlem Renaissance. Recognizing the need for a dedicated space to showcase ...