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  1. Dudley Robert Herschbach is an American chemist and educator who, together with Yuan T. Lee and John C. Polanyi, won the prestigious Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1986 for “their contributions towards the dynamics of chemical elementary processes”. Born in San Jose, California, he grew up in a rural setup, milking cows and feeding livestock.

  2. DUDLEY ROBERT HERSCHBACH Frank B. Baird, Jr. Professor of Science, Emeritus, Harvard University Professor of Physics and Chemistry, Texas A & M University Dudley Herschbach was born in San Jose, California (1932) and received his BS degree in Mathematics (1954) and MS in Chemistry (1955) at Stanford University, followed by an A.M. degree in Physics

  3. Dudley Herschbach is an American chemist and educator. With Yuan Lee and John Polanyi, he received the 1986 Nobel chemistry prize for his pioneering use of molecular beams to analyse chemical reactions. Molecules are in constant motion, even in solids. In gases and liquids they move in random directions at unpredictable individual speeds.

  4. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986 was awarded jointly to Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee and John C. Polanyi "for their contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes"

  5. dudley-herschbach.faculty.chemistry.harvard.eduDudley Robert Herschbach

    DUDLEY ROBERT HERSCHBACH Frank B. Baird, Jr. Professor of Science, Emeritus, Harvard University Professor of Physics and Chemistry, Texas A & M University Dudley Herschbach was born in San Jose, California (1932) and received his BS degree in Mathematics (1954) and MS in Chemistry (1955) at Stanford University, followed by an A.M. degree in Physics

  6. Dudley Robert Herschbach (born 1932) is the Frank B. Baird, Jr. Professor of Science at Harvard University (emeritus, 2003). Herschbach is a pioneer in the study of molecular stereodynamics and measuring and theoretically interpreting the role of angular momentum and its vector properties in chemical reaction dynamics.

  7. Dudley Robert Herschbach; Frontiers in Physics. Published on 27 Aug 2020. 0 views XX downloads; XX citations; An international symposium (Wilhelm and Else ...