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  1. Em 1940, Reagan se casou com a atriz Jane Wyman, com quem teve Maureen e o filho adotivo Michael. Os dois se divorciaram em 1948. Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, ele foi dispensado de seu dever por causa de um problema nos olhos e passou seu tempo no exército, fazendo filmes de treinamento.

  2. Desse casamento nasceu uma filha, Maureen Reagan. O casal também adotou um filho, Michael Reagan. Nancy Davis: casaram-se em 1952 e permaneceram assim até o falecimento de Reagan, em 2004.

  3. 9 de ago. de 2001 · "Maureen Reagan has been a special part of my life since I met Ronnie over 50 years ago," Nancy Reagan said. "Like all fathers and daughters, there was a unique bond between them. Maureen had his gift of communication, his love of politics, and when she believed in a cause, she was not afraid to fight hard for it."

  4. They had two daughters: Maureen, in 1941, Christine–in 1947; she did not survive infancy; and Michael, an adopted son, who was born in 1945. Reagan and Wyman divorced in 1949, but that same year Reagan met another actress, Nancy Davis (1921-2016), and the two quickly fell in love.

  5. 23 de abr. de 1989 · Maureen Reagan has very large hips, an anatomical feature that leads to mean jokes behind her back when she speaks at political gatherings.

  6. C39446-25, President Reagan with Maureen Reagan after a luncheon meeting with Republican National Committee leaders in the Cabinet Room. 03/09/1987. C50640-15, Family Thanksgiving at the Ranch with President Reagan, Nancy Reagan and daughter Maureen Reagan and Dennis Revell. 11/24/1988.

  7. Seu irmão mais velho, Michael Reagan, adotado quando criança por Ronald Reagan e sua primeira esposa, Jane Wyman, é 13 anos mais velho. Ele também tinha duas meias-irmãs filhas de Reagan e Wyman, Maureen Reagan (1941–2001) e Christine Reagan, que nasceu prematuramente, em 26 de junho de 1947, e morreu no mesmo dia.