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  1. This day is known as Remembrance Day, Poppy Day or Armistice Day and has been part of British history since early last century. This tradition started in November 1918 when Anna Guerin attended a convention of YMCA Secretaries from the Allied Nations and met Moira Michael, who had been inspired to make silk poppies as a badge of remembrance after reading John McCrae’s poem, ‘In Flanders ...

  2. 9 de nov. de 2021 · The red poppy is the traditional emblem of Remembrance Day. (ABC News: Elena de Bruijne) Today, silence will fall across each state and territory for one minute as Australia commemorates those who ...

  3. Als Remembrance Poppy ( deutsch ‚Erinnerungsmohnblume‘ ), auch kurz Poppy sowie engl. Mehrzahl Remembrance Poppies, werden im englischsprachigen Raum stilisierte künstliche Mohnblumen bezeichnet, die heute weltweit und vor allem in den englischsprachigen Ländern als ein Symbol des Gedenkens an die zahl- und namenlosen Opfer von Krieg und ...

  4. Remembrance unites people of all faiths, cultures, and backgrounds but it is also deeply personal. It could mean wearing a poppy in November, before Remembrance Sunday . It could mean joining with others in your community on a commemorative anniversary. Or it could mean taking a moment on your own to pause and reflect.

  5. 2002年國殤紀念日時,在倫敦的西敏寺外「國殤園」中擺放的臨時紀念牌. 國殤紀念日 (英語: Remembrance Day )訂立於每年的11月11日,為紀念在第一次世界大戰、第二次世界大戰和其他戰爭中犧牲的軍人與平民而設立的紀念日,又譯「和平紀念日」、「陣亡將士紀念日」。

  6. 5 de abr. de 2015 · Today, the Royal Canadian Legion holds its Poppy Campaign from the last Friday in October to Remembrance Day. The money raised from this campaign provides financial assistance to veterans, funding medical equipment, research, home services, long-term facilities, and more. The campaign raises about $14 million annually from donations.

  7. The Legion National Foundation. works closely with organizations and institutions to award scholarships and bursaries to. support individuals with their education. Thanks to our generous donors, children and youth across Canada can learn about. Canada’s military history and heritage and can witness sacrifices that were made by.