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  1. アンドロメダ銀河(M31)は、地球から約250万 光年 の距離に位置し、M33とともに肉眼で見える最も遠い天体である [注 1] 。. およそ1兆個 [2] の 恒星 から成る 渦巻銀河 で、直径22万光年 [3] と我々の天の川銀河(直径10万光年)よりも大きく、 局所銀河群 で ...

  2. The galaxy's brighter central region, normally all that's visible to the naked-eye, can be seen extending to spiral arms with fainter outer reaches spanning over 4 full moons across the sky. Of course in only 5 billion years or so, the stars of Andromeda could span the entire night sky as the Andromeda Galaxy merges with the Milky Way .

  3. Galaxie d'Andromède M31 La galaxie d'Andromède (M31) avec deux satellites: M32 (galaxie) (disque nébuleux au bord supérieur droit), et M110 (petite galaxie elliptique en dessous de M31). Découverte Découvreur(s) Al-Soufi Date ~ 964 à Ispahan Désignations M 31 NGC 224 PGC 2557 MCG +07-02-016 UGC 454 Observation (Époque J2000.0) Ascension droite 00 h 42 m 44,330 s Déclinaison +41° 16 ...

  4. A massa da Galáxia de Andrômeda é praticamente a mesma da nossa, possuindo 7.1×10 11 massas solares (massa solar = massa do nosso Sol, o que equivale a 332.946 Terras). É um dos astros mais brilhantes e chamativos, com uma magnitude aparente de 3,4, registrado pelo astrônomo francês Charles Messier. Possui ainda de 180 a 220 mil anos-luz ...

  5. Andromeda Galaxy at The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, & Spaceflight (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) M31, the Andromeda Galaxy (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) at; Than, Ker. Strange Setup: Andromeda's Satellite Galaxies All Lined Up. 23 January 2006

  6. ^ Andromeda's Stellar Halo Shows Galaxy's Origin to Be Similar to That of Milky Way (新聞稿). CalTech Media Relations. February 27, 2006 [2006-05-24]. (原始內容存檔於2006-05-09). ^ Astronomers Find Evidence of an Extreme Warp in the Stellar Disk of the Andromeda Galaxy (新聞稿). UC Santa Cruz. January 9, 2001 [2006-05-24].

  7. Sharpest ever view of the Andromeda Galaxy - ESA/Hubble

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