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  1. Charlotte Brontë šoodâi ive 1816 Thorntonist, Yorkshirest aŋlikaanisâš kirho paapân Patrick Brontën já suu káálgun Maria Branwell Brontën. Peerâ varrij Haworthân , mutâ forgâ tohon varrim maŋa enni Maria Branwell Brontë já perruu kyehti puárásumos päärni jammii, já nuuvt eeči kaartâi ohtuu huolâttiđ kuulmâ nieidâst, Charlottest, Emilyst já Annest , sehe oovtâ ...

  2. Sestre Brontë so s tetino pomočjo ustanovile svojo lastno šolo. 1842 sta Charlotte in Emily odpotovali v Bruselj na tečaj francoskega in nemškega jezika. Njuno nadarjenost je opazil učitelj Constantin Héger. Po kratkem obisku doma zaradi tetine smrti se je Charlotte vrnila v Bruselj in se zaposlila na Hégerjevi šoli.

  3. Charlotte Brontë, maalitud George Richmondi poolt 1850. Charlotte Brontë ( 21. aprill 1816 – 31. märts 1855) oli inglise kirjanik, õdedest Brontëdest kõige vanem. Ta saavutas oma romaaniga "Jane Eyre" õdedest ka suurima populaarsuse. Tema pseudonüüm oli Currer Bell.

  4. Charlotte Brontë, İngiliz Edebiyatı ’nın klasikleri arasına yerleşmiş eserleriyle tanınan 3 kardeşin (Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Anne Brontë) en büyüğüdür. En ünlü eseri Jane Eyre, bir buçuk asırdan fazla geçmişiyle halen büyük ilgi görmektedir. Ayrıca ailenin kısa ve acıklı hayat hikâyesi de birçok esere ...

  5. 27 de jun. de 2024 · Recent News. Charlotte Brontë (born April 21, 1816, Thornton, Yorkshire, England—died March 31, 1855, Haworth, Yorkshire) was an English novelist noted for Jane Eyre (1847), a strong narrative of a woman in conflict with her natural desires and social condition. The novel gave new truthfulness to Victorian fiction.

  6. The Life of Charlotte Brontë is the posthumous biography of Charlotte Brontë by English author Elizabeth Gaskell. The first edition was published in 1857 by Smith, Elder & Co. A major source was the hundreds of letters sent by Brontë to her lifelong friend Ellen Nussey . Gaskell had to deal with rather sensitive issues, toning down some of ...

  7. Charlotte Brontë (21. april 1816 – 31. mart 1855) bila je britanska književnica, najstarija od 3 sestre Brontë koje su se bavile književnošću. Objavljivala je i pod pseudonimom Curre Bell. Pohađala je školu za svešteničku djecu. [1]