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  1. 15 de nov. de 2023 · Harriet Westbrook cometeu suicídio em dezembro de 1816, aos 21 anos de idade. A causa exata de sua morte é desconhecida, mas acredita-se que ela tenha se afogado no lago Serpentine, em Londres. Harriet estava grávida na época de sua morte, e alguns acreditam que isso possa ter sido um fator contribuinte para o seu suicídio. Espero ter ajudado!

  2. First wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Harriet Westbrook was born on 1 August 1795. Her father was the highly successful owner of a coffee house in Grovesnor Square and intended for his children to move up in the world.

  3. E frequenta anche le due sorelle Westbrook: Harriet e Eliza (1782-?). È costei che lo introduce in casa, in Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square, e lo presenta al genitore, che, ricco e benestante, si è da poco ritirato dagli affari. Il 24 aprile 1811 Shelley scrive all’amico Hogg: «La mia piccola amica Harriet Westbrook è andata nella sua ...

  4. 20 de ago. de 2006 · Harriet Westbrook was a school-girl sixteen years old. Shelley was teeming with advanced thought. He believed that Christianity was a degrading and selfish superstition, and he had a deep and sincere desire to rescue one of his sisters from it.

  5. 19 de jun. de 2024 · At age nineteen, Shelley eloped to Scotland with sixteen-year-old Harriet Westbrook. Once married, Shelley moved to the Lake District of England to study and write. Two years later he published his first long serious work, Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem.

  6. 17 de mai. de 2018 · Harriet and Mary After his expulsion from Oxford, Shelley courted Harriet Westbrook, an attractive young woman of sixteen. Toward the end of 1811 the couple eloped to Scotland. The three years they spent together were marked by financial difficulties and frequent moves to avoid creditors.

  7. As for his personal life, Shelley married Harriet Westbrook in 1810, but their relationship grew estranged, leading to a secret courtship with Mary Godwin in 1814. Shortly after Harriet’s death, Godwin and Shelley eloped in France, but they ran into financial trouble that forced them to reluctantly return to England.