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  1. In late 1945, the Institute for Advanced Study embarked on a project that departed from the realm of the purely theoretical. With no laboratory facilities, the Institute was not, at first sight, an obvious choice for Professor John von Neumann’s Electronic Computer Project. But these were extraordinary times–times of war and postwar urgency, and von Neumann was a persuasive advocate for ...

  2. John Von Neumann foi um matemático húngaro de origem judaica, que foi naturalizado americano nos anos 30 do século XX. Nasceu em 28 de dezembro de 1903. Desenvolveu contribuições importantes em Mecânica Quântica, Teoria dos conjuntos, Ciência da Computação, Economia, Teoria dos Jogos e praticamente todas as áreas da Matemática.

  3. › wiki › ENIACENIAC — Wikipédia

    modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata L' ENIAC (acronyme de l'expression anglaise Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) est en 1945 le premier ordinateur Turing-complet entièrement électronique . Il peut être programmé pour résoudre, en principe, tous les problèmes de calcul numérique. Sous l’influence de John von Neumann , l’ENIAC est à partir de 1947 reconverti ...

  4. 约翰·冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann,1903年12月28日—1957年2月8日),出生于匈牙利布达佩斯,匈牙利犹太裔美籍数学家、计算机科学家、物理学家和化学家,美国国家科学院院士,生前是普林斯顿高等研究院教授。约翰·冯·诺依曼于1921年进入柏林大学;1923年进入瑞士苏黎世联邦工业大学学习化学;1926 ...

  5. John von Neumann (1903 - 1957) In 1945, mathematician John von Neumann undertook a study of computation that demonstrated that a computer could have a simple, fixed structure, yet be able to execute any kind of computation given properly programmed control without the need for hardware modification. Von Neumann contributed a new understanding ...

  6. 1957. NEUMANN, John von. Neumann [n i'mən], John von (madžarsko ime János ), američki matematičar madžarskoga podrijetla ( Budimpešta, 28. XII. 1903 – Washington, 8. II. 1957 ). Studirao matematiku u Budimpešti, a potom fiziku i kemiju u Zürichu. Doktorirao 1928. u Berlinu, a od 1929. živio i radio u Princetonu.

  7. Site Y, Los Alamos. Klára Dán von Neumann (born Klára Dán; 18 August 1911 – 10 November 1963) was a Hungarian-American mathematician, self-taught engineer and computer scientist, noted as one of the first computer programmers. [2] [3] She was the first woman to execute modern-style code on a computer. [4] Dán made significant ...