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  1. The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield. “It’s quite right,” she said calmly. “Yes, I ordered them. Aren’t they lovely?”. She pressed Laura’s arm. “I was passing the shop yesterday, and I saw them in the window. And I suddenly thought for once in my life I shall have enough canna lilies.

  2. The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield The Garden Party is about a family debating whether to proceed with a party following the news their neighbor was just killed in an accident, leaving a wife and five small children. It was one of Mansfield's stories dedicated to the memory of her brother who was killed during World War I when a ...

  3. The Garden Party. And after all the weather was ideal. They could not have had a more perfect day for a garden-party if they had ordered it. Windless, warm, the sky without a cloud. Only the blue was veiled with a haze of light gold, as it is sometimes in early summer. The gardener had been up since dawn, mowing the lawns and sweeping them ...

  4. 《园会》是英国作家凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德于1922年著的短篇小说。该作品描写了中产阶级家庭的小姐劳拉在一天里的活动:早上起来开心地筹办茶会;中途听说附近赶大车的年轻人意外死亡,她要求立刻取消茶会;她的建议受到了母亲和姐姐的劝阻而最终没有取消茶会;下午茶会结束后去慰问死者家属 ...

  5. Katherine Mansfield La garden-party et autres nouvelles Traduit de l’anglais par Marthe Duproix La Bibliothèque électronique du Québec Collection Classiques du 20e siècle Volume 107 : version 1.0 2

  6. Dans cet article, nous plongeons dans l’univers de Katherine Mansfield à travers son célèbre récit « La Garden-Party ». Cette nouvelle captivante nous transporte dans une journée de préparatifs pour une fête mondaine, où les contrastes sociaux, les questions de classe et les émotions humaines se mêlent pour créer une atmosphère riche en tensions et en réflexions.

  7. 10 de dez. de 2018 · The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield Bangla Translation, দ্যা গার্ডেন পার্টি - ক্যাথেরিন ...