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  1. Spencer Perceval (1762–1812) was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Spencer Perceval may also refer to: Spencer Perceval (junior) (1795–1859), British Member of Parliament, the eldest son of the Prime Minister; Spencer George Perceval (1838–1922), English amateur antiquary, geologist, and benefactor to Cambridge University

  2. Spencer Perceval (11 September 1795 – 16 September 1859) was a British Member of Parliament, the eldest son of Prime Minister Spencer Perceval and Jane Wilson. He was also one of the twelve apostles recognized by the movement associated with Edward Irving and known as the Catholic Apostolic Church .

  3. Spencer Perceval (Londres, 1762ko azaroaren 1a - ibidem, 1812ko maiatzaren 11) britainiar politikaria izan zen. Erresuma Batuko lehen ministroa izan zen 1809tik 1812ra. Zuzenbide ikasketak egin zituen Cambridgeko Unibertsitatean eta abokatu lanetan aritu zen. 1796an Parlamentuko kide hautatu zuten eta Pitt "Gaztea" -ren aldekoetako bat izan zen.

  4. Spencer Perceval, KC, PC (1 November 1762 – 11 Mey 1812) wis the Prime Meenister o the Unitit Kinrick frae 4 October 1809 till his daith on 11 Mey 1812. He is the anerly Breetish prime meenister tae hae been assassinatit.

  5. Hon. Spencer Perceval: 4 Oct 1809 – 11 May 1812: Secretaries to the Treasury: Charles Arbuthnot: continued in office: Richard Wharton: 8 Dec 1809: Junior Lords of the Treasury

  6. Spencer Perceval byl sedmým synem Johna Percevala, 2. hraběte z Egmontu, a druhým synem z jeho druhého manželství s Catherine Comptonovou, jejíž prastrýc Spencer Compton byl britským premiérem.

  7. Tranh vẽ Spencer Perceval. Perceval được sinh vào ngày 1 tháng 11 năm 1762 tại Quảng trường Audley, Mayfair, con trai thứ bảy của John Perceval, Bá tước thứ hai của Egmont; ông là con trai thứ hai của cuộc hôn nhân thứ hai của Earl.