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  1. Alexandra Feodorovna (Alix de Hesse-Darmstadt), Lettres de l'impératrice Alexandra Feodorovna à l'empereur Nicolas II (préf. et notes de J.W. Bienstock), Paris, Payot, coll. « Collection de mémoires, études et documents pour servir à l'histoire de la Première Guerre mondiale », 1924, 559 p. – En ligne sur Gallica.

  2. Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova was at the center of the political drama that led to the downfall of the Russian monarchy in 1917. A princess of the grand duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt in Germany and granddaughter of England 's Queen Victoria, she lost her mother and younger sister to diphtheria when she was still a child, and she responded to this loss by turning inward.

  3. 2 de jan. de 2020 · Empress Alexandra only told her mother- and sisters-in-law the truth almost a decade after he was born. Picryl . 32. Miss Feodorovna, If You’re Nasty. Nicholas and Alexandra may have been stately monarchs, but they had a very steamy bedroom life. For one, they insisted on—gasp!—sharing a bed.

  4. 21 de jan. de 2020 · Biografia de Grigori Rasputin. Grigori Rasputin (1869-1916) foi um monge, fanático religioso e místico russo. Personagem poderoso do final da era czarina foi favorito da corte do czar Nicolau II e Alexandra Feodorovna. Ganhou fama de ter poderes sobrenaturais, foi chamado de “o monge maluco”.

  5. Alexandra Feodorovna was the empress consort of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia from their marriage on 26 November [O.S. 14 November] 1894 until his forced abdication on 15 March [O.S. 2 March] 1917. Originally Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine at birth, she was given the name and patronymic Alexandra Feodorovna when she converted and was received into the Russian Orthodox Church.

  6. 12 de fev. de 2023 · Pièces de monnaie russes. Les pièces de monnaie russes sont très appréciées des collectionneurs. Vous trouverez ci-dessous un lien vers toutes les pièces russes en argent actuellement en stock. Nous avons une pièce frappée sous le règne de la tsarine Alexandra Feodorovna. 1902 10 Kopek frappé sous le règne d'Alexandra Feodorovna.

  7. 10. júna 1897 Alexandra porodila svoje druhé dieťa a dcéru Tatianu. Mikuláš bol veľmi šťastný, ale členovia jeho rodiny boli nešťastní a znepokojení. Keď sa Alexandra prebudila z chloroformu, videla okolo seba „úzkostné a utrápené tváre“ a „prepukla v hlasnú hystériu“. Zvolala: „Bože môj, to je zase dievča.