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  1. Synopsis. Spencer Tracy stars in John Ford's sentimental adaptation of Edwin O'Connor's novel about the final campaign of a big city mayor, loosely based upon the life of Boston politician James Curley. Tracy is Frank Skeffington, the political boss of an Eastern city dominated by Irish-Americans. Skeffington tries to assist the people of the ...

  2. 25 de abr. de 2024 · Fans described the band's farewell tour as their last hurrah on the global stage. Winning the championship was the perfect last hurrah for the retiring athlete. The film director announced his upcoming movie would be his last hurrah in the industry. As the shop closed for the last time, the owner threw a party as a last hurrah for the community.

  3. The Last Hurrah Sinopse O chefe de longa data de uma poderosa máquina política está determinado a vencer uma quarta eleição e permanecer no poder, apesar dos desafios a seu regime por oponentes jovens e insatisfeitos e de suas preocupações de que sua idade e problemas de saúde possam afetar o resultado da eleição.

  4. The Last Hurrah. ... Comedie, acţiune, dramă, ... Filme pe genuri. Acţiune; Animaţie; Aventuri; Biografic

  5. The title '"The Last Hurrah" drew on a common phrase in the English lexicon to mean a swan song or, in politics, the last campaign of a politician. [11] [12] The success of the novel and Tracy's portrayal of the Curley proxy "Skeffington" in the film adaptation as rambunctious but heroic improved the public image the ex-mayor, who was no longer in office by 1956.

  6. THE LAST HURRAH. Directed by. John Ford. United States, 1958. Drama. 121. Synopsis. Aging political boss Frank Skeffington tries to get reelected as mayor of an unnamed town one last time in the changing world of the 1950s, when television started to play a bigger role in the political process. Synopsis.

  7. THE LAST HURRAH (1958) por João Bénard da Costa. Vi este filme, pela primeira vez, em Janeiro de 1984, por ocasião da grande "integral" Ford. Pareceu-me, então, comparativamente menor, sobretudo quando os termos de comparação mais próximos eram os filmes imediatamente anteriores chamados The Searchers e The Wings of Eagles.