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  1. Lothaire II ou Hlothar né vers 835 et mort le 8 août 869 à Plaisance est un roi des Francs régnant sur un territoire compris entre l' Escaut et le Rhin et comprenant là plus grande partie de l' Austrasie et de la Frise. Il est le second fils de Lothaire Ier, empereur d'Occident et roi de Francie médiane, et d' Ermengarde de Tours .

  2. 保證正品!!!! 請注意此賣場為1.5mL體驗試管,帶噴頭 ㊣照片為實物拍攝,實物與照片多少有色差、拍照時反光,請以實物為準㊣ 用香味描述歷史上的大帆船Lothair在海上航行地瀟灑英姿。 前調混和著海風與海水中微鹹的氣息,猶如海(marine) 與天 (ozone)際間的連結, 也透露出舵手揚帆乘風破浪的決心 ...

  3. › attractionsmpl › lothairLothair -

    Lothair also lies in the midst of one of Mpumalanga's key weland areas - a birding paradise and an area filled with lakes, rivers and watery elements. Neighbouring town, Chrissiesmeer, lies at the heart of the Mpumalanga wetlands with 270 pans and lakes, all within 20 kilometres of one another, and is home to both the greater and lesser flamingo and another 80 aquatic and 170 non-aquatic bird ...

  4. Lothair delegated the government of Italy to his eldest son, Louis II, whom he also elevated to the rank of co – emperor (850). His younger sons, Charles and Lothair II, received Provence and Lotharingia, respectively. In 855, Lothair I retired to the monastery of Pr ü m where he died on September 29.

  5. 產品介紹調香靈感來自著名的運茶船LothairLothair 是由William Waker 在1870年於Rotherhithe建造的一艘快速帆船,船身長191呎、寬33呎,以金屬和木板這嶄新結構混合建成,成為一時佳話。 Lothair 從倫敦出發,數十年間曾航行到過日本橫濱、紐約和香港,最後於1910年失去影踪。 Lothair曾經運載大量茶葉和 ...

  6. Penhaligon's 潘海利根 Lothair羅希艾爾 中性淡香水 100ML ⚠️100ml 新版包裝是照片1-3 ,英國購回 無中文標示 無提袋 原價144英鎊→已經漲價155英鎊了 香調:辛辣草本香氣 前調:佛手柑,西柚,無花果葉,紅莓和小豆蔻 中調:無花果樹,薰衣草,木蘭,黑茶和天竺葵 後調:香草,麝香,雪松,橡苔和木香 ...

  7. LOTHAIR. 175 £. 4 reseñas. Tan novedosa como unas tierras lejanas, tan familiar como una taza de té. Bautizada con el nombre de uno de los últimos clippers, la bodega de Lothair está repleta de los aromáticos botines fruto de sus aventuras: enebro, leche de higo y ámbar gris. Eau de Toilette de 100 ml.