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  1. Harrow’s 830 boys each live in one of 12 Houses. The Houses each have a unique character, with their own gardens and facilities, and they inspire fierce loyalty from the boys and from old boys. While appreciating the different characters of the Houses, we ensure that each has a diverse range of boys in terms of their talents, interests and backgrounds.

  2. Thank you to Harrow High for all the support and encouragement given to my daughter throughout the years she studied in the school. This allowed her to have an amazing academic journey as well as make some amazing memories.

  3. Harrow School was founded in 1572 under a Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I. It is located in a leafy 300-acre estate, encompassing much of Harrow on the Hill in north-west London. As stewards of many cherished traditions, today’s Harrovians follow in the footsteps of The Giants of Old , united by strength of character, lasting friendships and the desire to be of good influence.

  4. › learning-2 › learningLearning - Harrow School

    All intellectual property rights in the content of this website (including without limitation copyright) are owned by The Keepers & Governors Of the Possessions, Revenues And Goods Of The Free Grammar School Of John Lyon Within The Town Of Harrow-On-The-Hill (Charity No. 310033) and/or its licensors.

  5. Welcome to Harrow School. 岩手県安比高原の山々に囲まれたハロウインターナショナルスクール安比ジャパンは、日本の美しい自然環境の中で、世界水準の国際教育と、全寮制教育がと融合した子供たちの人生を変える唯一無二の経験を提供する学校です。

  6. Die Harrow School ist eines der wenigen noch bestehenden 'Full Boarding' Internate für Jungen in Großbritannien. Mit exzellenten, akademischen Ergebnissen, sehr erfolgreichem Sport, großartigem Theater und einer hervorragenden Kunstabteilung , ist die Harrow School sicherlich eine Top Adresse.

  7. › news-events › news-eventsNews & Events - Harrow School

    The Choral Society Concert in March is an opportunity to hear Harrow School boys singing a major choral work with girls from a nearby girls school as well as School staff. The Commemoration Concert takes place every October in Speech Room, featuring orchestras from Harrow School and John Lyon School.