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  1. Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova was at the center of the political drama that led to the downfall of the Russian monarchy in 1917. A princess of the grand duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt in Germany and granddaughter of England 's Queen Victoria, she lost her mother and younger sister to diphtheria when she was still a child, and she responded to this loss by turning inward.

  2. Alejandra Fiódorovna Románova. La emperatriz fotografiada por Boasson y Eggler en 1908. Alejandra Fiódorovna de Rusia (en ruso: Александра Фёдоровна Романова; Darmstadt, 6 de junio de 1872- Ekaterimburgo, 17 de julio de 1918) fue consorte del último emperador Nicolás II de Rusia. Nacida como Alix de Hesse ...

  3. Gaida, Fedor Aleksandrovich: Alexandra, Empress, consort of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia , in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 2014-10-08.

  4. Alexandra Feodorovna (fēô´dərŏv´nə, Rus. fyô´dərəvnə), 1872–1918, last Russian czarina, consort of Nicholas II; she was a Hessian princess and a granddaughter of Queen Victoria. Neurotic and superstitious, she was easily dominated by Rasputin , who seemingly was able to check the hemophilia of her son.

  5. 25 de abr. de 2020 · Alexandra Feodorovna, mãe do príncipe, não saia de seu lado, enquanto serviços religiosos eram realizados nas grandes catedrais e igrejinhas, rogando pela vida de Alexei. A hemorragia se espalhou a tal ponto que os médicos e os próprios pais pressentiam seu fim iminente.

  6. Ten of the photographs are professional single and group portraits of the Empress’s daughters, known collectively to the family in order of birth as OTMA, taken by the fashionable firm Boissonnas & Eggler, and one is a snapshot of her son, Tsesarevich Alexei, possibly taken by the Empress herself. In the letter, dated 17/30 May 1914 ...

  7. Alexandra Feodorovna, ursprungligen Friederike Luise Charlotte Wilhelmine av Preussen, född 13 juli 1798 på Charlottenburgs slott, död 1 november 1860 i Alexanderpalatset, var en rysk kejsarinna ( tsaritsa ), gift med tsar Nikolaj I av Ryssland och mor till tsar Alexander II av Ryssland. [ 1] Hon var Rysslands kejsarinna 1825 till 1855 .