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  1. Eton has always been about more than a narrow educational experience. From the school’s very origins, both music and sport have been part of a boy’s experience here and today these elements are joined by a wide range of possibilities, including drama, the CCF and outdoor education.

  2. 6 de jul. de 2023 · At Eton College — the boarding school in the British countryside that has educated princes and 20 prime ministers — students wear tailcoats and white ties to classes.

  3. The museum brings to life the experience of learning, playing and living at Eton College across six centuries. The museum sets the history and traditions of Eton alongside stories of daily life of students, staff and visitors.

  4. Eton College State School Term Time (39 weeks) £47,173.11 per annum (FTE £55,000.00 per annum) 23/09/24 (In 7 days)

  5. Eton is the most illustrious public school in England; famous for educating the aristocracy, statesmen, and the royalty of countless countries. Founded in 1440, this historic school is usually out of bounds to all but the elite. In the last couple of years however, Eton has started offering guided tours of its historic buildings for one afternoon a week during the summer months. Fully booked ...

  6. El Colegio del Rey de Nuestra Señora de Eton (en inglés: King's College of Our Lady of Eton), conocido comúnmente como Eton College [1] o sólo Eton, es un colegio y residencia de estudiantes varones.

  7. Wśród wychowanków Eton są książę Wellington – zwycięzca spod Waterloo i później premier Wielkiej Brytanii (premierami było w sumie 19 etończyków, w tym David Cameron), pisarze (Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Ian Fleming), uczeni (Robert Boyle, John Herschel), dowódcy wojskowi, odkrywcy, a także dandys i rewolucjonista mody męskiej – Beau Brummell.

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