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  1. 30 de jul. de 2016 · 1. Assuming your data starts with A1 and apply the below formula in b1 and drag down (select B1 to B11 and CTRL + D) =RIGHT(A1,2) answered Jul 30, 2016 at 10:16. Karthick Gunasekaran. 2,705 1 16 25. 1. i want to remove the last two digits or letter. – ramon.

  2. 14 de fev. de 2023 · This solution uses gsub, the anchor ^ signifiying the start position of a string, \\d{2} for any two digits appearing at this position, wrapped into (...) to mark it as a capturing group, and backreference \\1 in the replacement argument, which 'recalls' the capturing group:

  3. For a number to be divisible by 4, the last two digits must form a number divisible by 4. So, CD must be one of the following pairs: 12, 24, 28, 52, 72, 92. After deleting four digits from the right (EFGD), the resulting number ABC is divisible by 3.

  4. toFixed() will mimic what something like printf() does in C. However, toFixed() and Math.round() will handle rounding differently. In this case, toFixed() will have the same sort of effect Math.floor() would have (granted you're multiplying the original by 10^n beforehand, and calling toFixed() with n digits).

  5. 16 de mar. de 2012 · My program asks the user for a year like 2056. So in main, I use scanf. However, I have a function which requires the first 2 digits of this value only. I've tried using another scanf inside the

  6. Hence, there are 90 numbers containing two digits. Suggest Corrections. 7.