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  1. Invite members to join your Circle. Our recommended Circle size is 8-12 members, but you can start small: Invite 2 or 3 friends and build from there. Who you invite to your Circle is up to you. This can be people who work with you, are in a similar life stage (e.g., recent grads, working moms, etc.), or are in your industry.

  2. Connection Resources. Connection activities help members share personal stories and get to know one another, tapping into your Circle’s ideas, experiences, and support. They’re an excellent addition to your Circle meetings every few months. Resources.

  3. We all need a safe space for real talk, inspiration, and support. Right now, we need community more than ever. Ready to lead? Start a Circle. We provide you with everything you need to get started, including tips on who to invite, meeting guides, and peer support.

  4. Lean In’s Circles resource library makes it easy for employees at any level to lead a Circle. This model empowers women in your organization to make Circles their own and lays the foundation for a scalable program that engages women across roles, backgrounds, and identities.

  5. Les Cercles Lean In sont de petits groupes de femmes qui se réunissent régulièrement pour apprendre et progresser ensemble. Nous savons que l’on peut tirer énormément du soutien de ses pairs : les études le montrent, on accomplit et on apprend davantage en groupe. Aujourd’hui, on compte plus de 35 000 Cercles répartis dans plus de ...

  6. Lean In Circle for Women in Tech (engineers, product managers, etc) in the Bangalore area. 504 members.

  7. Por Lênia Luz Curitiba, cidade que já é referência em empreendedorismo feminino, ganhou seu próprio Lean In Circle, círculo para fomentar a liderança feminina inspirado nas experiências de Sheryl Sandberg, COO do Facebook . Em 15 de março de 2015 em um evento para mulheres com o tema : “Juntas somos podeROSAS, unidas somos impossíveis!“, o […]