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  1. Frère de l'écrivain G. K. Chesterton, Cecil Edward Chesterton (1879-1918) est un journaliste et commentateur politique anglais, socialiste, catholique et promoteur du « distributisme », resté célèbre pour le rôle joué comme rédacteur en chef du journal The New Witness au moment du Scandale Marconi .

  2. Cecil Edward Chesterton was born on November 12, 1879; and there is a special if a secondary sense in which we may use the phrase that he was born a fighter. It may seem in some sad fashion a flippancy to say that he argued from his very cradle.

  3. Hilaire Belloc re-invented Manning's social teaching as a new political philosophy that shortly became known as Distributism. A tribute to his leadership by his close friend and fellow distributist, Gilbert Chesterton, reads that the world might one day wake up and find ‘a new democracy of distributists’:

  4. Muere Edward Chesterton, padre de Gilbert y Cecil. El entierro se celebra el 18 de mayo en el Brompton Cemetery (Londres) donde está enterrada su hija Beatrice. 1922 julio Gilbert acepta convertirse al catolicismo. 1922 julio 30 Fr. John O’Connor y Fr. Ignatius Rice bautizan Gilbert como católico en Beaconsfield.

  5. In 1919, Cecil Chesterton's A History of the United States was published, posthumously. In the introduction, his brother G. K. Chesterton wrote this about him In collaboration with Mr. Belloc he had written The Party System, in which the plutocratic and corrupt nature of our present polity is set forth.

  6. Gilbert Keith Chesterton, KC*SG (29 de Maio de 1874 – 14 de junho de 1936), mais conhecido como G. K. Chesterton, foi um popular ensaísta, romancista, contista, teólogo amador, dramaturgo, jornalista, palestrante, biógrafo, e crítico de arte inglês. Chesterton é muitas vezes referido como o "príncipe do paradoxo ".

  7. Trabalhou como jornalista nas editoras Redway, The Illustrated London News, T. Fisher Unwin e no Daily News; Em 1926 fundou a revista G. K’s Weekly com seu irmão Cecil Chesterton. Nesta revista, publicou sobre o distributismo e até George Orwell fez publicações. Escreveu mais de oitenta livros e mais de 4000 artigos.