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  1. 25 de jan. de 2024 · John von Neumann foi um matemático e cientista nascido em Budapeste em 1903. Desde criança, John já era observado por sua inteligência avançada e se tornou um dos cientistas mais ...

  2. John Von Neumann (1903 – 1957) foi um dos matemáticos mais notáveis de nossos tempos. Como tantos outros matemáticos ele prestou contribuições importantes tanto à ciência quanto à matemática. Von Neumann se sentia particularmente fascinado pelos jogos de estratégia e de acaso.

  3. 约翰·冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann,1903年12月28日—1957年2月8日),出生于匈牙利布达佩斯,匈牙利犹太裔美籍数学家、计算机科学家、物理学家和化学家,美国国家科学院院士,生前是普林斯顿高等研究院教授。约翰·冯·诺依曼于1921年进入柏林大学;1923年进入瑞士苏黎世联邦工业大学学习化学;1926 ...

  4. John von Neumann in de periode dat hij voor het Manhattan project werkte, jaren 40-45. John von Neumann, Hongaars: Neumann János (Boedapest, 28 december 1903 - Washington D.C., 8 februari 1957) was een Hongaars-Amerikaanse wiskundige, die behalve op vele deelgebieden van de wiskunde, ook in de natuurkunde, computerwetenschappen, informatica en economie zeer belangrijke bijdragen leverde.

  5. Erforsche das Leben und das Vermächtnis von John von Neumann - seine bahnbrechenden Beiträge zur Informatik und den bleibenden Einfluss seiner Architektur auf die moderne Computertechnik. Erfahre mehr über die Monte-Carlo-Methode, die Fortschritte in der digitalen Datenverarbeitung und vieles mehr.

  6. Biography John von Neumann was born János von Neumann. He was called Jancsi as a child, a diminutive form of János, then later he was called Johnny in the United States. His father, Max Neumann, was a top banker and he was brought up in a extended family, living in Budapest where as a child he learnt languages from the German and French governesses that were employ

  7. 3 de mar. de 2022 · John von Neumann, often referred to by his peers as Johnny, was a Hungarian American polymath and prodigious academic who made vital contributions to numerous fields of study during the first half of the 20th century. In 2022, however, von Neumann could be the smartest person most people have never heard of.

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