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  1. Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752–1833) made great contributions to analysis, number theory, celes- tial mechanics, and practical science. His name is attached to the Legendre differential equation, Le- gendrepolynomials, theLegendretransformation, the Legendre symbol in number theory, the Le- gendreconditions in calculus of variations,the Le- gendre relation for elliptic integrals, the Legendre ...

  2. Adrien-Marie Legendre zengin bir ailenin çocuğu olarak 18 Eylül 1752 tarihinde Paris'te doğdu. Paris'te Collège Mazarin'in eğitim aldı ve 1770 yılında fizik ve matematik tezini savundu.Adrien Marie Legendre, 1775 ile 1780 yılları arasında, Paris Askeri okulunda matematik dersleri verdi. 1787 yılında, Paris Gözlemevi ile Greenwich ...

  3. Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1752-1833) French mathematician who was a disciple of Euler and Lagrange. He published a classic work on geometry, Élements de géométrie. He also made significant contributions in differential equations, calculus, function theory, number theory Essai sur la théorie des nombres (1797-98), and applied math.

  4. Legendre, Adrien-Marie. ( b. Paris, France, 18 September 1752; d. Paris, 9 January 1833), mathematics. Legendre, who came from a well-to-dofamily, studied in Paris at the collége Mazarin (also called Collége des Quarte-Nations). He received an education in science, especially mathematics, that was unusually advanced for Paris schools in the ...

  5. Adrien-Marie Legendre Adrien-Marie Legendre foi um matemático francês que fez importantes contribuições para a Estatística, Teoria dos Números, Álgebra Abstrata e Análise Matemática. Algumas fontes afirmam que Legendre nasceu em Paris, enquanto outras afirmam ter sido em Toulouse, mas o que se pode afirmar com certeza é que ele nasceu em 18 de setembro de ...

  6. Adrien-Marie Legendre. This caricature by J-L Boilly is the only known portrait of Adrien-Marie Legendre. You can find more about it at THIS LINK. An artist's impression from 2021.

  7. 18 de set. de 2020 · Adrien-Marie Legendre was born in Paris to a pretty wealthy family. He was admitted to the Collège Mazarin in Paris, and defended his thesis in physics and mathematics in 1770.