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  1. Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna Romanov. Russia Royalty. Princess Alexandra Friederike Henriette of Saxe-Altenburg was the fifth daughter of Joseph Georg Friedrich Ernst Karl, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg and Amelie Theresa Luise, Duchess of Württemberg. While visiting away from the homeland, the nineteen-year-old Grand Duke Constantine of Russia ...

  2. Alexandra Iosifovna foi uma grã-duquesa russa por ocasião de seu casamento com o grão-duque Constantino Nikolaevich da Rússia, segundo filho do czar Nicolau I da Rússia. Nascida princesa Alexandra de Saxe-Altemburgo, era a filha mais nova do duque José de Saxe-Altemburgo e da princesa Amélia de Württemberg.

  3. Princess Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg (Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna of Russia) by (Cornelius) Jabez Hughes albumen carte-de-visite, 1860s NPG x131668

  4. Photograph of Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna. She is sitting in front of a piano facing left. She is wearing a wide dress with strings of pearls at her waist and bows in her hair. There is a tall table and a curtain behind her to the right. The photograph has been signed and dated Alexandra 1874.Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna was the wife of Grand Duke Constantine Nikolayevich. Queen ...

  5. Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna (1830-1911) was born Princess Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg. Her name was Russianized on her conversion to Russian Orthodoxy and marriage to Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich (1827--92), son of Emperor Nicholas I, in 1848. This full-length portrait photograph, taken when she was about 30-35 years old, shows her facing left, warmly dressed, holding an umbrella ...

  6. The ghost of Alexandra supposedly appeared along with that of her grandfather, Nicholas I of Russia, during two palace séances during the 1860s organized by Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna. The Tsar and others at court were interested in the spiritualism that was fashionable at the time.

  7. Syntyjään Aleksandra Iosifovna oli Saksi-Altenburgin hallitsijasukuun syntynyt herttuatar Alexandra Friederike Henriette Paulina Marianna Elisabeth, Saksi-Altenburgin herttua Josef Fredrikin (1789–1868) ja Württembergin herttuatar Amalia Teresia Louisen (1799–1848) viides ja nuorin tytär.