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  1. Kasturba Gandhi. Kasturbai "Kasturba" Mohandas Gandhi denaske Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia (11a de aprilo 1869 – 22a de februaro 1944) estis hindia politika aktivulo. Ŝi edziniĝis al Mohandas Gandhi en 1883. Kasturba mortis en 1944. Asocie kun siaj edzo kaj filo, ŝi aktivulis en la Hindia sendependiga movado en la Brit-regata Hindio.

  2. › biografia › mahatma-gandhiMahatma Gandhi - Brasil Escola

    Gandhi casou-se com Kasturba Gandhi (Kasturba possuía apenas 14 anos na época do casamento). Em 1888, Gandhi deixou mulher e filho na Índia e mudou-se para Londres, na Inglaterra, onde ...

  3. Kasturba e il Mahatma Gandhi nel 1910. Nel 1906, Gandhi decise di praticare il celibato. Sebbene ella sia rimasta al fianco di suo marito, non accettò sempre con facilità le sue idee. Gandhi dovette lavorare molto per convincerla ad accettare il suo punto di vista. Kasturba era molto religiosa e, come suo marito, rinunciò alle divisioni in ...

  4. Kasturba Gandhi's name is often lost in the face of Gandhi's leadership but she was his pillar of support, the first individual who was a part of him like none other. If he could convince her to give up her notions of caste and untouchability, he could convince others of the same.

  5. Há 5 dias · Kasturba Gandhi's name is often lost in the face of Gandhi's leadership but she was his pillar of support, the first individual who was a part of him like none other. If he could convince her to give up her notions of caste and untouchability, he could convince others of the same.

  6. Her gifts to the nation have been no less than her husband’s,” journalist Ela Sen wrote about Kasturba Gandhi in her 1942 book, Wives of Famous Men. Kasturba Gandhi at Sevagram Ashram in 1939.

  7. Gandhi later recalled feeling jealous and possessive of her, such as when Kasturba would visit a temple with her girlfriends and being sexually lustful in his feelings for her. [33] In late 1885, Gandhi's father, Karamchand, died. [34]