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  1. Aimable Pélissier sert en Espagne, en Morée (Grèce) puis en Algérie, sous différents régimes. Il s'illustre pendant la guerre contre Abd el-Kader en assumant la responsabilité de l' « enfumade » des grottes du Dahra. Cet « exploit » lui vaut d'être promu par le général Bugeaud du grade de colonel à celui de général de division.

  2. Čin. Maršal Francije. Oboroženi konflikti. Francosko-španska vojna ( 1822–1823) Alžirska kampanja ( 1830) Krimska vojna. Priznanja. Legija časti. Aimable Jean Jacques Pélissier, duc de Malakoff, francoski maršal, politik, plemič in diplomat, * 6. november 1794, † 22. maj 1864 .

  3. Aimable-Jean-Jacques Pélissier, 1st Duc de Malakoff (6 November 1794 – 22 May 1864), was a Marshal of France. He served in Algeria where he became widely known for his cruel conduct and extermination of entire tribes. Read more on Wikipedia. Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Aimable Pélissier has received more than 66,588 page views.

  4. Aimable-Jean-Jacques Pélissier was a Marshal of France who served in the Spanish Campaign, Morea expedition, and the Crimean War. He commanded the French forces in the Siege of Sevastopol and ended it by storming the Tower of Malakoff. He was promoted to Marshal on 12 September 1855 and named 'Duke of Malakoff' on 22 July 1856. Born on 6 November 1794 in Maromme, France, he died on 22 May ...

  5. Aimable Jean Jacques Pélissier, duc de Malakoff, né le 6 novembre 1794 à Maromme près de Rouen, et mort le 22 mai 1864 à Alger, dans la colonie française d'Algérie, est un général de division et administrateur colonial français, élevé à la dignité de maréchal de France en 1855. Artilleur de formation, il sert ensuite dans l'état ...

  6. Photograph of a full length portrait of Aimable Pélissier, Duc de Malakoff standing, seated, facing slightly towards the left. He holds a newspaper in his left hand and appears to be in the process of reading.

  7. 18 de jun. de 2022 · Aimable Pélissier a servit în Spania, Morea (Grecia) apoi în Algeria, sub diferite regimuri.. Peșterile din Dahra. S-a remarcat în Algeria, în timpul războiului împotriva lui Abd el-Kader, asumându-și responsabilitatea pentru „gazarea” din peșterile Dahra, în care a ucis, cu o cruzime fără noimă, în jur de o mie de bărbați, femei și copii.