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  1. Why Can't We?" is an American television program broadcast by NBC News as part of the documentary television series NBC White Paper on June 24, 1980, credited with beginning the Quality Revolution and introducing the methods of W. Edwards Deming to American managers that was produced by Clare Crawford-Mason [1] and reported on by Lloyd Dobyns. [2]

  2. NBC White Paper: awards, nominations, photos and more at

  3. 22 de dez. de 1971 · NBC NEWS WHITE PAPER: VIETNAM HINDSIGHT, PART 2 OF 2: THE DEATH OF DIEM (TV) Summary. One in this series of irregularly scheduled documentaries. This program includes appearances by Roswell Gilpatric, former deputy secretary of defense; George Ball, former undersecretary of state; Gen. Maxwell Taylor, former chairman of the joint chiefs; Arthur Schlesinger, former special assistant to the ...

  4. White paper was an hour long news documentary program produced by NBC that was broadcast irregularly beginning in 1960 that typically focused on one topic. "Sit-In" was broadcast December 20, 1960 and focused on the sit-in movement in the South, looking specifically at Nashville, Tenn.

  5. A documentary film produced by NBC News in 1960 on racial segregation in Nashville, Tennessee. 1954's Supreme Court ruling for desegregation in public schools presented the South with its first region-wide crisis in race relations of the 20th century.

  6. NBC WHITE PAPER: THE DEATH OF STALIN (TV) Summary. One in this series of irregularly scheduled documentaries. Part one of this four-part documentary examining communism. Part one analyzes the struggle for power among the Soviet leadership upon the death of Joseph Stalin.

  7. NBC WHITE PAPER: CUBA: THE MISSILE CRISIS (TV) Summary. One in this series of irregularly scheduled documentaries. This program looks at the following stages of the Cuban missile crisis: tension after the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, with clips of Pres. John F. Kennedy, Cuban leader Fidel Castro, and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev; U-2 photos of Russian offensive missile sites in Cuba; Kennedy ...