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  1. Tonbridge School est une école privée pour garçons située à Tonbridge, Kent, Angleterre. À la fois école de jour et internat, elle a été fondée en 1553 par Sir Andrew Judd (parfois orthographié Judde). L'établissement est membre de l' Eton Group et à des liens étroits avec Worshipful Company of Skinners, une des plus anciennes ...

  2. Tonbridge School’s Pastoral System also integrates other parts of the school and support staff, such as the school’s on-site, 24-hour Medical Centre, a Chaplaincy, and a school counsellor. The school has put a lot of thought into ensuring student welfare – it has even developed peer support networks to proactively deal with and prevent bullying through the Anti-Bullying Council.

  3. Year 9 (13+) Entry. The main entry point to Tonbridge is in Year 9 when around 150 boys join the School, of which approximately 85 are Boarders and 65 are Day boys. Boys entering at this stage are usually aged 13 by the September of their year of entry. This age-limit is not inflexible, and slightly younger or older candidates may be considered ...

  4. Tonbridge always ranks as one of the top boys’ schools for both GCSEs and A-levels. High demand and a high bar for entrance ensure that the majority of boys arrive as academic high-fliers and push on from there. The school has a great balance of academics, sports and arts, and the older main buildings are brilliantly supplemented by newer ...

  5. 20 de nov. de 2022 · Website: Head: James Priory, since 2018; previously Head at the Portsmouth Grammar School. Pupils: 798 boys.Day: 341; boarding: 457. Ages: 13–18

  6. Arrange a visit. Visiting the School is an important step in deciding whether Tonbridge is the right fit for your son. We run numerous Open Events and socials throughout the year, offering you the chance to experience Tonbridge, and enjoy our campus, and we hope to see you at one of them. Every Open Morning provides parents with the opportunity ...

  7. › learning › departmentsMusic - Tonbridge School

    Co-Curricular. The School has a long-standing tradition of musical excellence, both choral and instrumental. Over forty percent of the boys in the School learn at least one musical instrument, and there are seventy music award holders. Over 80 boys have Grade VII or above and up to 70 boys take exams in a wide variety of instruments each year.