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  1. Há 1 dia · 5. é um dos sites mais estranhos da internet devido ao seu conteúdo único. Criado como uma piada por estudantes da George Washington University, o exibe seu nome em letras grandes e coloridas. O site também reproduz um clipe de áudio que se auto-promove e combina citações motivacionais.

  2. Há 2 dias · 在我另一篇文章 基于星火大模型的群聊对话分角色要素提取挑战baseline2笔记:遇到的问题与解决-CSDN博客 有提到这个情况(2.2部分). 修改完SparkApi.py文件的108行patch_id的值之后需要保存该文件,并且重启环境。. 否则还是按原来的值执行。. 如果数值为空,会 ...

  3. Há 1 dia · La nota azienda Avast, impegnata da anni nel contesto della cybersicurezza, ha rilasciato uno strumento gratuito in grado di rendere di nuovo raggiungibili i file colpiti dal ransomware DoNex e da ...

  4. Há 1 dia · Text messaging. A text message using SMS – the 160 character limit and difficulty of typing on feature phone keypads led to the abbreviations of "SMS language". The word "lol" sent via iMessage. Text messaging, or texting, is the act of composing and sending electronic messages, typically consisting of alphabetic and numeric characters ...

  5. Há 1 dia · No injuries were reported from the ground or the 174 passengers and seven crew members on board. It was the second time in recent months that a Boeing plane operated by United Airlines lost a ...

  6. Há 1 dia · Called CS 3 or 4 times regarding this. Was told that a call would be received in 5 bus days and that the problem has been escalated. No called received. Called tonight still no help with this problem. Was told that a call should be this month. If there are too many cases that have been escalated to just wait. There is no timeframe that can be ...

  7. Há 1 dia · If there is markdown content returned from OpenAI which is not successfully parsed by markdown-it, you are welcome to share that in the OpenAI community forum. Thank you for your response, but I’m afraid that currently, using only markdown-it cannot adequately visualize special information such as mathematics. Even with all the extensions of markdown-it, the mathematical formulas returned by ...