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  1. Há 4 dias · Introduction to Tudor ships. and exploration. When Henry VIII came to power, England had only a small navy. During his reign Henry spent a great deal of money building up a large fleet to defend the kingdom. Life at sea was risky and dangerous, but it also offered, fame and riches.

  2. Há 1 dia · 1. How many of Henry's wives had been previously married? Answer: 2. Catherine of Aragon was married to Arthur, Henry's older brother, who died young. Katherine Parr was twice widowed before she married Henry. There is some debate as to whether Katherine Howard had been secretly married to Francis Dereham, but she denied this vigorously, even ...

  3. Há 3 dias · January 1531, 1-15. 1 Jan. R. O. 23. Harry [Parker] Lord Morley to Cromwell. Writes in favor of the bearer, a poor canon, who, when his priory was suppressed, was commanded by the Cardinal to abide at Christchurch, the prior and convent of which granted him for life the farm of Bromefelde. He has been wrongfully vexed by one John Smythe, who ...

  4. Há 5 dias · S. Tomás Moro, mártir inglês. 22 junho. S. Tomás Moro, século XVII. Tomás tinha uma grande fama de homem íntegro e jovial, um Juiz justo, culto e estimado pelos humanistas europeus, tanto que Erasmo de Roterdã, lhe dedicou sua obra "Elogio da Loucura"; era muito amado pelo povo, pela sua caridade; conhecido pelo seu senso de humorismo e ...

  5. Há 4 dias · Dinastia TUDOR (1485 – 1603) • Henrique VII (1485 – 1509): • Pacificação interna (casamento com Elizabeth de York) • Reestruturação de impostos • Construção da marinha britânica. • Henrique VIII (1509 – 1547): – Reforma protestante. – 1534: Ato de Supremacia – criação da Igreja Anglicana.

  6. Há 4 dias · Em Tamanrasset, na Argélia, São Carlos de Foucauld (Carlos de Jesus), presbítero, apóstolo entre os tuaregues, fundador dos Pequenos Irmãos de Jesus. 14*. No campo de concentração de Auschwitz, perto de Cracóvia, na Polónia, o Beato Casimiro Sykulski , presbítero e mártir, que, durante a guerra, por perseverar firmemente na fé perante os perseguidores da Igreja de Deus, foi fuzilado.

  7. Há 2 dias · Covers the whole period 1524 to 1530. Letters and Papers, Henry VIII.Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875. This free content was digitised by double rekeying.